[13] Friends?

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The next few days at school were already hell for Ayan. But with Akk avoiding him ever since the incident in the school storeroom, school was almost unbearable.

Ayan was hurt because he didn't know why Akk was acting like this. He had tried to talk to him at every opportunity, but the taller boy continued to ignore him.

It was like a stab in his heart because after everything they had been through together, Ayan had thought they were on good terms. Ayan trusted Akk and never thought Akk would let him down so badly when he needed him.

Ayan was walking through the corridors when he noticed the hateful looks from the other students. The rumors about him had finally spread throughout the school. In most cases they were about how he had bought his way to school with money. But Ayan already heard about these rumours since his arrival.

However, now new rumors were spreading that he was flirting with male teachers and seducing them to get better grades, destroying Ayan's entire reputation and leaving him devastated. And Ayan couldn't do anything about it except pretend it didn't hurt or trigger him.

Everyone knew about the mysterious new transfer student and made up their own story about him. But all together they tried everything to let Ayan know that he was not welcome here. Even the teachers seemed suspicious of his sudden transfer.

He also heard the students talking behind his back, not even trying to hide their hatred towards him. They really didn't care that Ayan could hear them, even liked seeing his sad face, although Ayan never really showed that he was hurt by the rumours.

Ayan was sure that this was just the beginning before they would actually start bullying him. Ayan didn't know how he was going to get through the next few months until his graduation. He felt so misunderstood and it was really isolating, having no one believe him. It was everybody against Ayan. Not even Akk was on his side, probably believing the rumours about him. Ayan was on his own in this cruel world.

Some nights, Ayan even considered just giving up and leaving it all behind. He was so lonely and felt like no one was there for him. Everything was repeating itself. Nothing had changed.

But then Ayan remembered why he was actually here. After his uncle's death, he swore to himself to destroy this damn school to the ground until there was nothing left, and eventually get his revenge. After that nothing mattered anymore.

Ayan arrived at the school gate, when he suddenly saw Akk patrolling the schoolyard alone and he didn't seem to notice Ayan at the moment. This was his chance. Excited, Ayan sneaked up to him from behind.

"Hello, Mr. School Prefect." Ayan greeted him mischievously, startling Akk. "I would have never thought that the guy who knocked down two officers would be a prefect at his school." Akk rolled his eyes.

"What do you want, Ayan?" Akk asked him annoyed and wanted to leave. But Ayan stood in his way.

"So you do know me?" Ayan acted surprised and took another step towards him. They were now facing each other. "Well, did you forget that you promised Ms. Sani to show me around the school?" Akk didn't respond. He, of course, didn't forget it but he still ignored Ayan.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to find any classroom without getting lost in this damn huge building?" It was true indeed. Ayan always came late for class because he didn't know his way around school and their classmates refused to help him.

"Ayan, I'm busy right now. I don't have time for your nonsense." Akk tried to push him away but Ayan didn't give up so easily.

"What nonsense? It's your job as school prefect to help new students get to know the school better...Or should I tell Ms. Sani that you refuse to help me? Wait...actually, the school principle would be such a better choice, I guess."

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