[17] Confession

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After getting all the information from Khan and Wat, Akk desperately tried to find Ayan to stop him from meeting 'the god's hand'. Akk had searched the whole school building but the shorter boy was nowhere to be found. Akk didn't have Ayan's phone number or address so he had no choice but to meet Ayan at the place where he would meet the others.

He arrived at his school shortly after midnight after he had figured out where Ayan had planned to meet them. But Ayan was nowhere to be seen. Akk became now very worried about the other, fearing that he was too late.

Thinking Ayan would be back soon, Akk hid behind the fences of the school gym, where he had a good view and wouldn't be easily found, and awaited his arrival.

He waited and waited but he didn't see anybody coming. After trying his best to stay awake for almost two hours Akk eventually fell asleep and later was awakened by several voices discussing something. Akk got up quietly and looked over the fence to see who was there.

When Akk saw the masks they wore, he instantly knew that they were members of the 'the god's hand'. And they were carrying somebody who was probably Ayan. Akk wondered what happened that they had to carry him and waited for them to leave.

After dropping Ayan off and leaving him on the ground the group then left. Akk immediately rushed to Ayan who was lying unconscious on the ground, not moving. He tried to wake him up but to no avail. Akk could smell the strong liquor on him and in general Ayan didn't seem to be in good shape. What happened?

With Ayan unresponsive, Akk decided to carry him to his apartment to treat his wounds and sober him up a bit. He managed to get him up and put Ayan's arm around him so he could carry him better.

"Hey, Ayan. Can you hear me?" Akk tried it again but he didn't expect a response from the other.

"Akk?" It was a faint call, but Akk could hear it clearly. He was surprised that Ayan was conscious again, but relieved. But then Akk noticed that the smaller boy was on the verge of passing out again, just barely managing to stay awake.

"Ayan, are you alright? I'm going to take you to my apartment if that's ok." Akk didn't want to push Ayan into something he didn't want. Ayan had already been through a lot and had it bad enough because of him.

"No, Akk..." Akk heard him saying weakly. "I don't wanna go to your apartment..." Akk felt a painful stab in his heart when he realised Ayan was still hurt about yesterday's events. Of course he was. Akk thought. He could only imagine the pain he had caused Ayan.

"I understand. Where do you want us to go then?" Akk asked him in a calm tone.

"I live ten minutes from here...I wanna go home...Please..." Akk could hear the desperation in Ayan's voice.

"Ok, Ayan. I promise to take you home but I need you to stay awake, ok?" Ayan nodded slowly but closed his eyes again.

"Ayan!? Please don't fall asleep. I need you." Akk shook him softly to wake him up. Ayan opened his eyes again and chuckled.

"Funny that you're saying that..." He said in a mocking tone.

"Ayan, we don't have time for that now. I know you're still mad at me, but we need to get you safely to your house first and then we can talk." Akk tried to reason with him. The other boy said nothing more.

"Ok Ayan. We're going now. Can you please tell me the directions?" With Ayan's help, Akk managed to get them both safely to Ayan's house, although it took longer than expected because Ayan kept passing out and Akk had to stop to wake him up each time.

When they arrived, Ayan managed with great difficulty to open his door and they both entered the house. They stumbled to Ayan's room and then Akk carefully let Ayan fall onto his bed. He checked up on him if he was anywhere injured but it didn't seem so.

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