Head canons (2)

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Gang members:
(I don't really have pictures of them because they're all made up by myself.)

Age: 20

San is the oldest and the leader of this group. She is an art student at the university, where she had met Yok who had changed her political views by showing her how bad the Thai government actually is.

With other art students who could be trusted they formed this gang to raise awareness about the injustice system and show the public and media the real side of this unfair society.

San is a rather extrovert person who likes to party. But she's still responsible and takes care of everyone. She even helps people she doesn't know well. She always makes sure that people are alright but still doesn't forget to take care of herself.

If someone has a problem or just wants to talk they always go to San because she's a good listener and advisor.

She has a really strong character and doesn't give up easily when she wants to achieve something.

She was Yok's girlfriend for almost a year until his disappearance and took over the leadership. Like the others she wants to find out about her boyfriend's mysterious disappearance.

Sexuality: Bisexual with preference for men

Age: 20

Cherry is the middle oldest of the group. She joined the group with her best friend after getting convinced by Yok and San.

She is a lovely and playful person and no one can really stay mad at her.

Cherry enjoys partying with San and talking to random people she just met at the bar about their lives and future. She's really good at small talk and flirting.

She is also very good at reading other people's facial expressions and gestures and can tell when someone is lying or faking something.

Although Cherry is someone who wants to be taken care of, she would also give everything she has to the people close to her. She is very affectionate and loves to talk about feelings and love.

Gender: Trans (mtf)
Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 19

Dao is the second youngest of the group and is best friends with Cherry because they went to the same high school.

They are the one taking care of the supplies because they come from a wealthy family.

They are a more introverted and don't really like to talk about their feelings as they don't want to bother anyone. San and Cherry often have to push them out of their comfort zone.

Dao enjoys expressing himself with their hair, dying it in bright color combinations or experimenting with different hairstyles.

Although they seem cold and distant from the outside they are actually quite sensitive and emotional even though they don't show it.

With Ayan they get treated as the baby of the group because they are the shortest in their group.

Gender: Non-Binary, Transmasc
Sexuality: Aromatic, Asexual

Age: 20

Yok was the second oldest and the ex-leader of the gang until his disappearance. He was the one finding the hide out.

Despite his scruffy appearance, he had a gentle soul and Ayan admired him for it. He taught Ayan all about self defense and treated him like his younger brother.

Although he was known for his gentle nature, Yok could also be strict because he didn't want anything to go wrong and anyone to get hurt.

Sexuality: Straight

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