[18] I hate you

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Akk was doing his regular morning patrol around the school but he was somewhere else with his thoughts as he was still thinking about the meeting he had after he had stayed overnight at Ayan's house.


Akk left before Ayan woke up. Even though it was Saturday morning, the prefect team he was part of wanted to meet him at school. Akk didn't want to wake up Ayan since he looked so peaceful in his sleep. So he left quietly, hoping that Ayan wouldn't be too mad at him.

The prefect team was held in high esteem in Suppalo. They were there to get every student to obey the school rules and to keep the peace and order. The school selected only the best and most disciplined among the students and the whole team is well respected by everyone.

Akk hadn't been prefect for a long time. He had only joined the prefect team this year after failing to find out anything about his brother's disappearance during his first year at Suppalo. He had hoped to find out more about this suspicious school and what they had done to his brother when he joined the prefect team.

Indeed, in his first few weeks as a prefect, Akk had discovered some things the school was hiding. But to his shock, these things were very different from what he thought. The entire school prefect team was part of the school gang 'the god's hand' and even belonged to the higher echelons responsible for keeping everything under control.

Akk had discovered many other terrible things. The school's cheating system, students selling drugs to other students, teachers sexually harassing students and getting away with it. One new discovery was worse than the other.

But the worst thing Akk had found were some newspaper articles in which former students had taken their own lives for no apparent reason. However, it turned out that they had been killed by members of the "Hand of God" for betraying them. There was one older incident where an entire class died in a fire believed to have been started by the same people.

And everything was covered by the school. Akk felt sick while reading the articles. How was that possible? How could a school get away with those things? Akk couldn't think of an explanation. It was like something out of a horror movie.

Akk was frustrated. After finding out all the secrets of the school, he ended up having found out nothing about Yok's disappearance. Not even one clue about his whereabouts or a document with his name. Akk felt defeated and hopeless.

The prefect team had a room on their own for meetings and the prefects were even allowed to enter school on weekends. Probably to help cover up their crimes better. Akk thought to himself as he nervously walked up the school stairs. He was sure that today he would also get an invitation to join them. He was after all a school prefect as well.

And he was right. When he got to the prefect room, the room was dark. The shutters were pulled down and the lights turned off. Akk took a deep breath to stay calm and closed the door behind him.


Akk sighed as he recalled what happened that day. As expected he had been allowed to join the school's gang. Although Akk finally was part of everything now he couldn't be really happy about it.

The other prefects had let Akk in on their plan and Mes the head prefect had commissioned Akk to keep an eye on Ayan because they suspected him. They had explained to Akk that Ayan didn't seem like someone who would want to be part of them and just joined to expose them. They only invited him to see if he really was going to do something behind their backs. It made now sense why they completely changed things for Ayan.

I found youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя