[12] Next mission

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"Hey, Aye! Wake up! This is not a hotel!" Ayan felt someone violently shaking him and he quickly opened his eyes just to see a familiar face in front of him.

"Cherry! What the hell! Can't you just wake me up like a normal person?" Ayan complained sullenly and rubbed his eyes to wake up. Behind Cherry were San and Dao.

"It's your own fault when you sleep here every time we meet, Shortie." She smirked. Ayan got up and they started the meeting.

"I've got some news." San began and handed the others her handy to show them the news. It was about a student's suicide, probably caused by a teachers. But he was not convicted, despite numerous witnesses who testified against him, because he bribed the judge with a large sum of money.

"So, I know this guy and I've got his face. Do we wanna print it out and spread it around the city or do we wanna paint his house?" San smiled mischievously.

"Why not do both?" Cherry yelled and Dao nodded, agreeing with her.

"That's what I thought, too. But we'll have to split up to do it in one night. Should we do it?" Everybody was for it.

"Ok, so Cherry and Dao. You will spread the posters around city and Aye and me will go to his house. This weekend he won't be at his house because he goes every weekend to a bar to drink. Anyone mind?" They shook their heads.

"Dao, you can do the printing, right?" They nodded again. "Ok, so this weekend. Let's meet here at 10pm."

With their plan settled, Cherry and Dao set out to study for their upcoming exams. Ayan wanted to leave as well when San stopped him.

"Ey, Aye. I have found out something about Yok." She whispered in a more serious tone. "Remember that internship at that fancy school he was so excited about? I found that it was Suppalo. You're going there too, aren't you?" Ayan nodded in confusion. He knew that the school seemed somehow suspicious, but he never thought that Yok's disappearance had anything to do with his school. What happened to him?

"Aye? Are you with me?" Ayan returned to reality after about to get lost in his thoughts.

"I'm only telling you this because you have to be careful. This school is more dangerous than we could imagine. Please, don't do something reckless. I don't wanna loose another member." She put her hand on Ayan's shoulder and looked at him with a sad expression. Though it was hard for everyone, Yok's disappearance seemed to have hit San hardest, as she couldn't move on over this mystery. After all, she had known Yok the longest and even dated him for almost a year.

Ayan had to reassure her and promise that he would not investigate Yok's disappearance and would not get involved. After that, San let him go, although she didn't seem entirely convinced. She just looked at Ayan worriedly as he left, hoping everything would be fine.

Author's note:
Sorry for changing the book cover so often. Every time I choose a cover, I later realize that other authors have already used the same picture .

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