Quick Explanation

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Well, I've been gone for a while. A lot has happened. Got myself a gaming fridge and got MGSV. Love the shit out of it. Got myself MWII and was reminded that it was a $70. Beforehand, I fooled around with character AI. I procrastinated on work and that's biting me in the ass. Meanwhile, I've been fucking around on discord. However, I had ideas and writing about this but unfortunately I can think far sighted but cannot write my current plans. I have a prequel story, in the making. A 500 years before our esteemed ODST's events kind of story. So, I gotta find more motivation to write this out since my friend  BloodStorm1319 is ahead of me by 3 volumes in writing. He's cooking something up but I'm stuck flat footed. Don't worry, Garett would have a in between Volume 3 and 4 story to fill things up. I gotta find my motivation to write, once I wrap up my life. I am sorry for the inconvenience, gang. Also, Sean needs work as well but I wanna wrap Garett up first.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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