Part Six: Lockdown

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Frost awakened and immediately hopped out of bed to start grabbing his gear, without a second thought. He tried his best to not awaken the still sleeping Sienna. Speaking of her, the Tigress had earlier last night given him a small, foldable map of the world Frost is in for his own interest. As generous as she had been, her 'business' is not really selling it for Frost. He just needs evidence to support his theory that the White Fang are terrorists. From what he's guessing, the Kingdom of Vale is a good start.

Frost did an inventory check of his weapons, once again. He needs to conserve his ammunition as best as possible. Sure, he has 780 5x23mm (or .197 caliber) caseless Full Metal Jacket bullets for his M7S, along with 119 12.7x40mm rounds in total for the M6C/SOCOM. However, that doesn't mean that this planet is capable of producing the rounds he needs. In the meantime, conserving his ammo, planning out his loadout, and being crafty are the best methods.

After some deliberation, the Helljumper grabbed his knife, the M6C/SOCOM magnum, and two extra mags for it. Sure, that's pretty short handed for Frost but the Helljumper guesses he can manage it. Now that the loadout is out of the way, he has to lay out his plan to get out of this place. There's many factors in the scheme here. One of them is the layout of this stronghold. Another factor is the guards. Like, what are their patrol patterns? How many of them are there? What are their blind spots?

Frost was too carried away with his plot, when he heard Sienna stirring in bed and sat up behind him. He can feel the Tigress looking at him, as she asked, "What are you doing?"

Turning towards her, he half-lied, "Just getting ready for the day."

"By grabbing your sidearm and some ammunition, while looking over the map of Remnant I gave you?" Sienna raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I should also be aware of the world around me. At the same time, I basically work with you now since I'm an ally, right?" Frost said, hoping to convince her.

"I suppose you're right." Sienna got out of bed and stretched, showing herself off to the Helljumper who looked away. "But you're not ready, due to your injury. So, in the meantime, you'll be on lockdown."

"Now, hold on." Frost objected, as he got up. "I'm fine here. I can just help you with managing things at the moment, and then I can help take a more active role once I'm in a better state."

   Sienna thought about it, for a second, before making up her mind. "Well, then. I guess I'll let you be in a more passive role-"

   'Yes.' Frost thought.

   "-But you'll still be on lockdown." Sienna finished.


   Sienna walked into the bathroom to change. "I'll contact you, whenever I can, throughout the day."

   "Let me guess, by using one of those 'scrolls'." Frost sarcastically responded. He earlier heard about these 'scrolls', and now is itching to get his hands on one.

   "Precisely." Sienna replied, not hiding the slight irritation in her voice. She then handed Frost a rectangular object, to his confusion. Sienna then pressed the golden circular button on it, thus it expanded to the size of an early 21st century smartphone.

   The Helljumper then looked at Sienna and said, "This looks like a phone, Tigress."

   The Tigress raised an eyebrow, "A phone?"

   "Ah, forget it." Frost replied, as he fiddled with the device.

   As Frost gets adjusted to the device, Sienna turns away and walks into the bathroom to get ready for the day. The scroll is something of immense curiosity to Frost. He found the camera feature. He found the flashlight feature. Now, he found the contact list to see that Sienna's name is on there. 'I guess she was prepared for something like this.' The Helljumper thought.

   Eventually, Sienna stepped out of the bathroom and the outfit she is wearing does not help her claim about her 'business'.

(Author's Note: I'm lazy to describe it, so here's a picture of it.)

   "By the way," She stated, "due to my job, I can't come back here often

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"By the way," She stated, "due to my job, I can't come back here often. That way, it'll keep suspicion away from us."

Nodding, in understanding, Frost said, "I understand. It's best for both of us."

Smiling, Sienna walked to the door and swiped her scroll to unlock the door, which seemingly works like that, before she looked back at Frost. "Like I said, I'll be in touch." With that, she walked outside and closed the door. Frost can hear the door lock as well. Walking up to swipe his scroll against it, he is disappointed to see that his scroll doesn't unlock the door.

He then stared at the door, for a moment, and laughed to himself, for the door is actually easy to pick open. Rummaging through his gear, Frost pulled out his standard-issue lock picking kit. He then folded up the map and stuffed it into one of his extra pockets. Making sure he had his knife, his M6C, and the extra mags he planned to bring with, Frost then approached the door again. From the looks of it, it'll be just a few seconds to pick the lock.

   "Sienna says I'm stuck here in lockdown..." He muttered to himself, before snorting and picking open the lock. The ease of it makes him question what else he can pick a lock open to gain access to.

   'Lockdown my ass.' He thought. 'She can't keep me in a cage.'

   The Helljumper wandered, with his weapons either holstered or sheathed, through the corridor, before coming across what seemed to be a fancy living room. He once again muttered, "Whatever business she claims to run sure as hell couldn't afford this."

   He stumbled across a monitor, which had a live feed of two colorful groups of children with weapons facing each other. Frost thought to himself, as he watched, 'These must be the Huntsmen Sienna told me about. More like, from the looks of it, children training to become Huntsmen.'

   With a press of a button on a futuristic remote, the title of the fight popped up:

   Vytal Festival Tournament live video. Full team matches. Currently featuring Team JNPR from Beacon Academy versus Team BRNZ fro-

   Frost lost interest in the title and inspected the fighters. He then noticed what assumed to be Team JNPR huddling together. He also took more notice of the weapons both teams are using.

   "... Are they fucking talking in the middle of a fight- with their backs turned to the enemy? What kind of garbage weaponry are they even using- Whatever. Maybe I can learn some local fighting styles if- HOLY SHIT- THEY'RE GONE!" Frost mumbled upon the ginger haired, hammer-wielding woman instantly winning the match in one swing.

   'Note to self-' Frost thought once more, as he turned the monitor off before walking away. '-women on this planet are scary. Maybe the next fight won't be so bad... just gotta make sure no-one discovers me. Wait, I have a scroll. I can find a way to watch the fight from it.'

   Without any more delay, the Helljumper continued on with his mission. Getting out of the mansion is Frost's first priority. Finding a way out of Menagerie is his second priority. The last priority for him is to get to Vale and find out what he can about White Fang. All without getting caught. To Frost, it's simply a mission that'll just keep someone waiting.

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