Part Ten: An ODST In Vale

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The rest of the trip went peaceful and uneventful, as Frost hoped. The Vytal Tournament fights he was watching on his scroll were interesting, to say the least. The most tragic one he had watched, during the 4v4s, was this all-guys team called SSSN (pronounced 'Sun') facing off against this all-girls team called NDGO (obviously pronounced 'Indigo'). Other than who the team members are, Frost only knows that SSSN won at the cost of Scarlet David. Poor fellow was an accidental target of two flaming coconuts meant for his golden-haired, monkey Faunus teammate, Sun Wukong. Let's just say that, as a result of Sun dodging coconuts, every man who witnessed the match covered his groin when poor Scarlet got taken out.

   The 2v2s round though, is quite frustrating with this one match. Two interestingly clothed swordsmen with interesting codenames, 'Pilot Predator' and 'Pilot Ghost', faced off against two members, Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee, of the all girls team, RWBY. Gonna pretend the Schnee is nonexistent, Frost was so focused on the fight. 'Damn ,' The ODST thought, 'those two are tough to face... I don't wanna get on their bad side there. They're definitely gonna win. I now wonder what they fly then, since it says they're pilots. I'll track that, but I wanna focus on them winning. However, those firearms those 'Pilots' are using don't seem to belong here at all. So where?'

   At some point in the fight, something was said between 'Predator' and Yang as they stopped fighting. Frost didn't mind it, since it looks like the two are a couple, based on Yang's gestures towards Predator, as long as they quickly resumed their bout. Predator seemed to have gained the opportunity to place Yang in a full Nelson hold. 'Based on Yang's sexual gestures earlier,' Frost thought. 'This fool thought it's great to put her in a full Nelson hold. A choke hold is a better option.'

Sure enough, Yang grinded herself against Predator, who of course released her and kicked her away. 'My Brother in Christ, that is why you hold her in a choke hold. Not a full Nelson. Also, that's basically sexual assault in public.' Frost thought, as Yang seductively distracted Predator into getting punched. At that point, Predator recovered and converted all of his energy into his face before sending Yang flying into her partner as the two crashed into a building. Frost concluded that the fight was over as Ghost reached for his sidearm, only to find that it was missing.

'Please don't tell me that idiot-' Frost's assumption was proven correct, when Predator delivered a 2-3-2 combo on his own partner before proceeding to shoot himself in the foot until his aura is in the red. With that, Weiss and Yang won the match because of Predator's quick betrayal. 'He threw the match and betrayed his partner.' Frost thought. 'It's gonna bite him in the ass, and he rightfully deserves it.' Little did Frost know, he'll be right.

  As he stepped off the boat earlier, Frost admired the view of the city of Vale. The architecture of the city reminded him of an old European city back on Earth. However, Frost did not expect there to be a large fleet of revolting looking ships in the sky above Vale. The city view is nice and all, but the ships in the sky are offensive to all UNSC ship designs and the nice view of Vale. Frost is certain that a Magnetic Accelerated Cannon round from any UNSC ship can blast a clear hole through around one to three of those ships. Remembering Sienna's words, the ODST guesses that these airships are Atlas's ships.

'Looking at those ships already tells me how it can be easy to steal some of their tech, over in Atlas.' Frost bitterly thought, as he walked down the street. 'Also, I hope whoever designed those ships has both sides of their bed, and their pillow, to be warm at night.'

      It didn't take long to find himself a room in a hotel that no one really goes to. Frost really doesn't mind, since it gets him shelter for the couple of days he plans to be there. Connecting his helmet, and the wrist pad he had on him, to his scroll is easy since the scroll somehow has some sort of Bluetooth connection. So, Frost has a layout of the city within just a few seconds. Gotta love 26th century technology, am I right? Anyways, scurrying through the business sectors, Frost found the kind of place he was looking for. A nightclub called Junior's.

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