Part Twelve: A Firefly and a foreign Echo

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Junior is sitting on a chair, hands tied behind his back. He took a raspy breath, after taking another punch from Frost, before saying. "Don't you get it? If you think your military-sponsored brutality intimidates me, you clearly don't know anything about The Spiders. I have nothing to gain by talking to you."

Frost picks up a glass bottle from the counter and smashes it against the counter. Picking up a shard, he said, "Think about what you have to lose." The ODST then proceeds to break the shard into two and sticks the shard in Junior's mouth and punches him until his lips bleed. Frost paused to give himself a short break.

"We can do this all day, Junior. We got plenty of bottles..." Frost exclaimed as he gripped the beaten man by the chin. "Or you can give me what I want, and I can mosey on out of here while you and your crew can go back to business in a couple months."

Junior spits out the remaining shards of glass in his mouth along with some blood. Finally broken, he then replied. "F-Fine... We'll have a contact to reach out to you... It'll take about a couple of days to get the information.... After that, you can rot in Hell..."

   To his shock, instead of phasing the man before him, Junior got a laugh instead. The man said, "Hell? Haha, you're funny. I'm a Helljumper. I've jumped into it many times. Feet first, in fact. However, I also fought my way both in it and out of it while others were left behind to their deaths... You have no idea what Hell is. Nor do you want to be there."

   With that, Frost pulls out one of the guard's blades and tosses it to the side. Junior was expecting to toss himself at the blade to free himself, but Frost quickly kicked him to fall to the opposite side. Lowering himself to Junior, Frost pulled out the scroll with the red x. "By the way." Frost spoke. "Contact me through this. I'm not able to tell who this 'Predator' fella is, but hopefully he does the job better than you. Name's Frost, to make it easier for reference." With that, he started walking to the exit. Along the way, he pulled his SOCOM and one tapped a injured guard going for a weapon.

   Reaching the doors, he stopped and turned around. To Junior's confusion, the ODST starts walking over to the bar. "What are you doing?" Junior asked, to only be met by silence from the receiver of the question.

   Silently, Frost bent down and coupled a bunch of casings up. It then dawned on Junior that the ODST is picking up all the casings of the bullets he fired to cover up as best of his tracks as possible. After completely the tedious task of gathering all the bullet casings, Frost then proceeded to head back out to the front doors.

   As he walked out past the now unnerved guards, who had obviously heard the earlier commotion inside and saw the people leaving but was smart enough to stay outside, a woman in a dark red mini dress was walking past him to the entrance. Without hesitation, he said. "I wouldn't go in there, if I was you."

   The woman stopped and looked at him. "And why's that?"

   "Because the place just closed." He replied, nonchalantly.

   "Is it now?" She raised an eyebrow.

   "Go see for yourself." Frost answered before walking away. Moments later, as he kept on walking, the sound of someone catching up caused the ODST to stop walking and turned to see that it's the woman from earlier. Upon seeing the woman, Frost noticed that she has amber eyes with ashen-black hair covering her left eye. Based on her looks, the ODST could tell that this woman is around his age. He guessed that she wanted to be at Junior's club to see some friends. She does look quite a looker but, unfortunately, the club is put on a hiatus. Also, Frost is pretty sure she's already taken.

   "Yes?" He asked. He doesn't wanna be around for long. He just wants the intel and dip. However, there's something about the woman that he felt drawn to instantaneously.

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