"*17: Confusion*"

Start from the beginning

I sighed and turn off the shower faucet and step out with a towel wrapped around me.

I looked at the mirror and stare at my reflection. The wounds are yet to heal, and they all look infected. I drop the towel on the floor standing completely naked and look at my ribs.

The pain inflicted on it was visible. It was deep purple with a hint of red around it. I simply graze my fingers on it and I brought a wave of pain.

"Ssssss" I hiss I retract my fingers.

I put on the a few purple extension to my black hair and put on a few fake piercings and a deep makeup, and top it off with a killer black skinny jeans with a black crop top with spikes around it.

I put on a chocker and head out with my back bag.

" What the hell are you wearing!?!"

" Do you know what you look like?!"

" You look like you have an appointment with the devil hahaha"

" I must say you have a very bad fashion sense"

" Why don't you all leave her alone"

" Oh c'mon Luca stop trying to gain some love from her"

" Isabella change now"

" And if I don't?"

" You won't like me"

" Luciano, I already don't like you so there isn't more you can do"


After a good thirty minutes of arguing, I kept the dress on and I was given my phone saying that if I do anything wrong he'll take it away again with another punishment. I just rolled my eyes at that.

"So who am I going with?"

" Not me"

"Not me"

" Not me"

"Not m- oh damn!"

" Not him"

" What?!?" I was so confused, did Xander just not me for Luca??

" Then who will I go with?"

" The driver" Ashton said

" Why can't I even go with you?"

" Do I have to tell you why" Xavier said

" You're a stain on our reputation, we can't have a stain walking around with us" he just shrugged.

My heart felt as though it was being sliced, although it's not the first time he has said it to me, but this time no one supported me.

I went with Thompson, the driver, apparently the ride wasn't so boring, I chatted with Thompson a bit before calamity struck us.

" Ahh" my head jerked forward and hit the window. I steadily opened my eyes and looked at Thompson to make sure he's okay.

" What the hell happened?"

" I'm sorry Miss, I'll go and check" he went out to check while I used my phone to check for any damage on my head.

Ring! Ring!

An unknown number was calling me.

" Who the hell-" I picked up the call.

" Issy!! Baby, your boyfriend misses you"

" I know I have been a very stupid-"

I ended the call. How did that prick get my number?

" Miss, I'm sorry but the engine is having some issues ad it will take awhile"

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