"*13:The party*"

En başından başla

" Do I look alright?" I sarcastically said.

" Oh no your makeup is smooshed let's fix that up" she started dragging me to the car.

" Slowly my waist!"

After she fixed me up, I met her brother Aaron Clarkson. He is nice and funny and he's 18, I would date him but those idiots I call brothers wouldn't agree and he already has a girlfriend.

Ann said she a nice to Aaron but is secretly a bitch to Ann.


Aaron dropped us off but not before giving Ann and me a lot of warnings about boys and drinks. Looks like he's also an overprotective one.

" Look, I got us a stretchy elastic friendship band for us. So that even if we get separated I can always use this to find you" she explained. I just nodded and wore it on wrist.

We walked in and I was hit with the stench of alcohol and weed. Alright let's do this.

I pushed through to get to the kitchen and when I got there I realized Ann wasn't with me so I decided to use the rope thingy to find her but it got cut off.

" What the fuck?" I pulled the already cut rope and sighed and went to the kitchen for a drink.

I took some punch I saw there but I didn't know it was alcohol. Wow it hit hard.

" Hey baby, wanna play some beer pong with me and the boys?" A boy about Ashton height stumbled to me.

" No I'm not interested " what the fuck Isabella?

Sorry trouble

You better accept it



I don't feel like-

" We are betting with cash"

"I'm in!" Thanks for the push trouble

Your welcome!

I went with the boy whose name is still don't know to the beer parlor.

A few minutes later....

" Go Rage go"

I threw the ball and it landed in the vodka cup. I went and gulped the whole thing down. One more and I win!

All I need to do is to aim at the mixed drink which was tequila and vodka mixed together. That's heavy but I can take it.

I calmed down and threw the ball into the cup. It twirled on the cup lid. Everyone gasped.

" It's not going to make it" some girl said.

Oh just watch darling

I just snapped my fingers together and the ball fell into the cup with a 'plop' sound and I smirked.

" Woooooaaaaahhh" the crowd screamed.

Okay let me explain. When the guy whose name is Leo brought me here and I was the only girl who challenged a game. They all laughed and this huge guy came up to me and make a bet with me so I took it. He even added to pay me and Leo each and 1000 dollars so I accepted.

And now the bitch is sweating beads here.

" Pay up. Me and Leo each 1000 dollars" I smugly said.

" L-look I don't have that amount of cash. I just thought you wouldn't win s-so I said so" he stuttered.

" You better pay up or else" I left my words incomplete. He seemed to have gone confident. Maybe a little too confident for my liking.

" Listen little girl" did he just call Rage a little girl? " I won't give you the money and there is nothing you can do about it"he started walking away. He just made a big mistake.

Our Little Devil Girl Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin