Old but gold

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The next day....

It was official The CGS was now tekkadan, everyone had there jackets changed into the Iron flower logo.

Ruby and Mika were at the kitchen eating, Mika having a bandage on his head after the battle, ruby was smiling eating with Mika, while he kept his straight face as they talked

Winter and Orga finished planning and now it was the time to initiate the plan. Orga got onto his intercom.

"Attention all Tekkadan employees report to the mess hall for an important meet in 5 minutes" he said

Everyone nodded and headed there, outside where the tables were at, Weiss and Winter there, Weiss gasped a bit she finally had a good look at everyone, child soldiers young as 8.

"Sister...they are just kids" Weiss said

Winter knew but said nothing, finally everyone was there and orga and yang arrived.

"Alright everyone here's the plan, we are now tekkadan and we have our first job to escort Weiss schenne to earth. We will first buy a ship at the shipyards, after that I will be taking 2nd ,3rd and 4th platoons to earth" Orga said

They cheered excited to see earth for the first time,

"Until then contuine your duties as normal, dissmissed" Orga finished

Everyone got up and started to chat about earth.

Orga turned to Winter.

"So this is where we part ways for now" Orga said

"Im afraid so, take of my sister, if anything happens to her....I know where you sleep" Winter said

Orga nodded and smiled

Winter and Weiss hugged saying good bye, winter entered the same truck she came in and it drove off.

"Now let's go get that ship, Mika your in charge while I'm gone" Orga said

He nodded and orga headed out with Dexter, Akihiro, Eugene, yang and Buscuit to the public space elevator up to the Mars Shipyard.

Orgas group reached the space elevator, yang held orgas hand as they saw the beautiful view on the way up.

Eugene saw them and got jealous, Biscuit noticed and patted his back.
He slapped his hand

"Stop it, I'm not jealous!" Eugene said

Everyone turned to face him and he blushed embarrassed.

"You okay?" Dexter asked

"Y-yeah mind your own business" Eugene replied

"Were here lock it down Eugene" Orga said

The doors hissed open and they entered the shipyard offices, Dexter lead the way. A receptionist gave Dexter the way to the dealers office.

Zero gravity had them floating through the halls of the shipyard, finally they reached a dealer.

The dealer was a chubby older guy with a mustache.

"Excuse me are you the dealer?" Dexter asked floating into the massive room that had glass for walls and floor.

"Thats me, just call me Rall, what are you looking for?" He asked

Dexter and Orga sat on the chair across the massive desk.

"We are a up and coming company and we need a ship that can transport supplies, mobile suits and that has firepower" Orga said

"Thats a tall order kid, but here's what I got avaliable" Rall said handing orga and Dexter a tablet

They scrolled through the ships.

"Even with the funds we have, we can't come close to anything on here" Dexter whispered

Oega kept scrolling and reached the bottom, there was a ship avaliable for a low price. Orga tap it and saw the specs. It was unbelievable old ship. He noticed something past the tablet he looked down through the glass and saw the ship.

"What about that one?" Orga asked

Everyone looked down and saw what he was pointing out.

It was bright white, had mobile suit hangers on both sides and had what looked like wings.

"What a piece of junk" Eugene said

"Not exaclty a fan of the colors myself" Akihiro added

Rall looked down and laughed.

"Hahah Yes the old Spartan Pegasus class carrier, more like crap class, it's a ship thats been here for a long time, hell I might pay you to get this thing out if here" Rall said

"We will take it" Orga said

Little did they know Gallajorn agents were using Ralls Phone to listen to their conversation.

"Command be advised, the enemy will be using the Spartan Pegasus Class ship" one agent said


Orga and Yang entered the Spartan Pegasus bridge. They floated around and checked around. Orga drifted and pressing a button and opened a door.

"Guess this must be the captain quarters" Orga said

Yang smiled and drifted in.

"Don't you mean our quaters?" Yang said smiling joking around

Orga said nothing but let out a half smile and sigh, he caught up with her and kissed her.

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