Chapter 7: Literally Crushing on You

Start from the beginning

With quick movements, he took both of her hands and place it on his cheek, warmly smiling at her. His hands held onto hers firmly as she stare at him, taken aback by his sudden action.

[Jae Hwa's POV]

He was like the bright sun. Even on a cloudy rainy day, he still manages to come out all bright and happy as if nothing bad just occurred.

"Let's eat." I propose as I quickly pull away, catching the slightest disappointment on his face.

I dug in and didn't even bother with him until halfway through eating. I took a quick glance up at him. Since I busied myself with eating, he busied himself with drinking. Picking up the empty cup, I lift it up to him for him to pour me a drink.

"You shouldn't drink. You are the only who can take me home safely so I need you to be sober." J-Hope nag as he pour water into my cup.

He gave me a small smile before going back to finishing up his third bottle of soju. As for me, I had no other choice than to go back and finish up with my food.

My mind couldn't help but go to the assignment. Write an article about being in love...I wanted to laugh so hard right now. I wanted to laugh at how I would attempt at this article without even the slightest clue as to how it feels like to be in love. Maybe taking this opportunity as a stepping stool could be useful but what if it isn't? I may seem heartless but really, I am afraid that I might end up hurting him. Then what does that make me?

I was so deep in my thought that I didn't realize I was blankly staring at him until he grab my face.

" are so beautiful..." He chuckle as he rub his forehead against mine. "But you are so cold too..."

Great...he is drunk.

I try to get out of his grip but then he held on firmly as he pull away and started to scream out random things to customers next to us.

"THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE IS FINALLY MINE!!!" He scream joyfully as he got up and pull me up into a hug.


"Keep your voice down..." I whisper into his ear as I took out some cash and put it down onto the table.

I drape his arm around my shoulder, grabbing my bag before leaving. For a crazy guy, he was even crazier when he is drunk. I left him by himself for a bit and came back to him kissing a pole while calling out my name.

"Yah...stop it. I am right here." I said as I pull him away from the pole, causing him to throw his whole body weight onto me.

"Let go...I won't go home with you. What if you do something to my innocent body!" He scream, while trying to slap me away.

I took control and held onto both of his hands together so that he couldn't do anything. But as I did so, he collapse onto me and this time, it was dead body weight. Seeing that it was no use in waking him up, I attempt in trying to throw him onto my back. After a couple of fail and bruises added onto J-Hope's body, I finally was able to succeed in securing him onto my back.

Carrying him all the way to his house was back breaking but it was nothing my body couldn't handle. Beside, I needed the exercise after eating the food all by myself.

Upon walking into our quiet neighborhood, J-hope softly mumble as he stretch out his arms and neck before tightening his grip around my shoulder. He quietly whisper something to himself as I continue my way down the sidewalk.

"Jae Hwa...Jae...Hwa..." He whispers into my ear while softly stroking my hair.

"What is it?" I mumble through gritted teeth as I try to blow away tiny pieces of hair getting in my way.

"I am sorry...My mind say not to do it but my heart says another thing." He muzzle his face into my hair until he found the crook of my neck.

Resting his face into the crook of my neck, I could feel his soft lips puckering up, leaving behind a kiss mark on me. Before I could do something more, he bit my neck a bit to harsh that it cause me to drop him.

"What are the heck are you doing?" I question him as I touch the spot he bit, wiping away the saliva.

"I am a vampire!!" He scream as he got up and took a hold of my hand.

He tighten his grip around my wrist and started running towards his house. Well at least he made it somewhat easier on me. Arriving at the front door, he let out a few wheezes before collapsing on me the third time. I myself was wheezing while trying to support him from falling. After the sudden dizziness subdue, I rang the doorbell twice before it swung open and in the doorway stood a pale guy with pink hair.

"Here...I came to drop him off." I gulp down as I waited for him to grab J-Hope away from me.

"Last room to the right on the second floor." He simply state as he walk back inside, leaving the door open.

"'re not going to him?" I ask as I try my best to catch up to him, making sure to close the door behind me.

"You made him drunk so YOU have to carry him up to his room." He slowly explain, annoyed at me for being clueless. "

While glaring at him, I made my way to the stair with everyone else staring at me with an amusing look. I knew I should have just drag him upstairs but then he firmly held onto my shirt, so while his arms drape around my shoulder, I had no other choice than to leave him be.

After what felt like century, I made it to his room. It wasn't a big surprise to see clothes thrown everywhere but at least they weren't lying in my way. The room wasn't big like mine but it was comfy looking.

Just a few more steps and I will be burden free. That is until he grab the big book shelf and refuse to let go, mumbling something about his innocent body. With every tug I made, the bookshelf would move forward a few inch but I didn't care to think about it. All I care of now is putting him on his bed and then going to my bed and crash.

With on last harsh tug, he came flying on top of me and as I lay there, slowly squeezing my way out from under him, the book shelf decided to fall too.

Being under him was hard enough, now I have to deal with the weight of the bookshelf too. I attempted many times trying to wake him up or at least squeeze my way out but it was still hopeless. I even try screaming too but no one seems to be hearing me so I gave up. I am being crush to death and to make it even better, now my throat hurts. Stupid bookshelf, stupid video, and especially stupid me for going out and drinking with him.

I was about to attempt again but then my eyes wonder to J-Hope who was now sleeping peacefully. He look almost angelic and beautiful that is until he is fully awake. Once he is, you would wish he was back asleep. Sighing and already hating my own decision, I close my eyes and tried getting some sleep even if it is uncomfortable.

Author's Notes:

Hey there my BEAUTIFUL READERS!!! Well...I would say I hoped you enjoyed this chapter but I felt like I did a horrible job in writing this chapter(technically the whole story comment). Anyways I am so tired of life but the only thing that makes it exciting is you guys(I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!) and pretty much writing for me (even though I suck at it but practice makes perfect). Uhhhhhh...hmmm...yeah...I think that is all I want to say so bye. See Ya!!

(P.S Look at J-Hope...isn't he beautiful!!! My heart is OH MY GOD!!)

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