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Volterra, Italy

It had been several days since Elizabeth had sat in the shower washing the blood from her hands while the poor woman she had attacked was murdered by Caius. She had sat under the rain of water for over an hour and cursed herself for not being more responsible. If only she had accepted the offer of blood at dinner with Aro then she would've avoided such a terrible turn of events.

She had rung Carlisle later that night to apologise and he'd listened patiently as Elizabeth cried, she had let him down and disgraced herself and shamed the years of his commitment to human life. Elizabeth was half human, it made her feel ashamed that she had caused the death of one of her own.

"Elizabeth, darling," Aro smiles as the young hybrid enters his study. "No need to sit, I fancy taking a turn, would you care to join me?"

Elizabeth politely agreed and walked beside Aro as he led a leisurely winding path through the castle, pausing every now and then to explain how he had come to possess certain paintings. Elizabeth tried to listen, but her thoughts were scrambled with ways she was going to tell Aro that she would be leaving Italy, tonight. After speaking with her grandad, she had decided it would be best for her to leave, to avoid the guilt of having been the source of someone's death. She couldn't risk letting something like that happen again. Where she was going, she hadn't decided yet, going back home wasn't an option yet, the heat from the argument may have subsided slightly but now the wedge between her and her family would be the fact that she'd run away to the enemy that had caused the problem in the first place.

"Aro...I need to talk to you about something," Elizabeth takes a natural break in his near continuous chatter to turn the conversation.

The ancient vampire inclines his head to indicate he was listening.

"I am most grateful of the hospitality you have extended me over the past few weeks, and I've actually very much enjoyed meeting you properly in person, the whole guard as well actually...it actually surprised me how, normal, everyone is." Elizabeth thinks back to all the times the Volturi had been discussed by her family, their friends, and every time it had been negative, as if they truly were evil incarnate. "But I have been thinking a lot over the last few days and I am very sorry, but I will have to leave...tonight."

"Oh, my dear, I am sorry very upset to hear that. There must be something I can do to change your mind?" Aro asks and leads them towards the large staircase that led down towards the great hall. "I know everyone is particularly fond of your company, you have been such a refreshing addition!"

Elizabeth smiles tightly. "I am sorry Aro, but I can't risk something like..." Elizabeth turned her head to look at the secretary's desk outside the atrium. Her words were left in her mouth as she stared wide eyed, and the woman sat behind the wooden furniture. She was typing softly at the computer, dressed smartly in a dark suit jacket, a neat bandage looped round her hand and disappearing beneath her sleeve.

"Risk what my dear?" Aro asks, a smugness lacing his voice. He knew exactly what she had come to tell him and had set up the entire walk just to show her this.

"Caius didn't kill her?" Elizabeth gasps softly, so not to draw the attention of the woman still typing. "I thought you'd said to kill her?"

Wide eyed, Elizabeth stops on the stairs and looks at her dark-haired host. "I said to deal with it, you think so harshly of me Elizabeth." Aro smiles with a shake of his head. "Marcella just needed a trip to the hospital and a few days of recovery. She's as good as new."

"Why did you save her?" Elizabeth questions, already knowing the answer.

"Because I am also, particularly fond of your company." Aro smiles.

"I need to apologise," Elizabeth takes the last few steps and walks over to the desk. Marcella looks up, momentary shock glistens across her eyes but as quickly as it appears its gone and a delightful smile spread across her face.

"Good morning, Miss Elizabeth, may I help you with something?" her voice is accented with Italian, but her English is perfect.

"I have to apologise for the other day Marcella, I am so, so sorry I hurt you, I promise it won't happen again."

Marcella continues to smile. "That's alright Miss Elizabeth, I will come and see you later this evening, is there a time that works best for you?"

"I'm sorry, see me later?"

Marcella nods, "For you to feed from me again."

Elizabeth frowned and spun round to find Aro waiting for her at the foot of the stairs. "Marcella wishes to be one of us Elizabeth, I've agreed to change her if she agreed to help you."

"I can't do that..." Elizabeth says and turns to Marcella. "Thank you for the offer, but I cannot accepted."

Marcella's smile faulters slightly and her eyes flicker to the side. Aro now stood beside Elizabeth, his thoughts were sincere, he only wanted to help her, but they didn't need additional numbers in the guard at this time, and Marcella didn't indicate that she would possess any gifts.

"Stop trying to gaslight me Aro," Elizabeth frowns deeper and turns her back to the desk so she can talk without Marcella hearing. "She'll die if I don't feed from her?"

"Of course not, but we have no need for her in the guard so there is no need to keep her around for a prolonged period...we tend to have a reasonably quick turn around of staff."

"And if I feed from her...she won't die?"

"I have promised to change her as payment for her service."

"She wants to be a vampire?"

"She signed a very thorough contract prior to her employment which outlined the risks. If it makes you feel better, this was actually Marcella's suggestion."

Elizabeth closed her eyes and thought back to the taste of the fresh blood, it had been euphoric. She wouldn't be killing anyone, or stealing precious bagged blood which may help other humans in hospitals. And she wanted to be a vampire, Elizabeth would be doing her a favour.

"No one else will kill her? She's completely off limits." Elizabeth says and Aro grins. "Um, five o'clock? Does that work for you Marcella?" Elizabeth asks, turning back to face the desk.

The secretary smiles and writes a reminder in her diary. 

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