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Forks, Washington

Grandad Charlie's house was warm and cosy, it always smelt like beer and wolf because Seth and Leah were always there. Whenever Elizabeth and Renesmee visited Jake was also in tow, although Elizabeth had tuned out his scent mostly.

She hadn't been able to sit in her grandad's presence for a long time, the discomfort Elizabeth felt when in close proximity to humans was similar to most vampires. The smell of the blood that ran close beneath his skin made her throat burn with thirst. The young girl had been practicing though, she hadn't had human blood now for nearly two months and was drinking more animal blood than ever before without too much complaint. Although human food and animal blood tasted foul, made her gag and feel ill, there was no other option, Elizabeth knew the only way she could get human blood for every meal was to kill people and that idea made her very sad.

"What are you asking Santa for little Lizzie?" Charlie asks, pulling the girl out of her thoughts. Elizabeth sat next to Edward, her hand grasped firmly in his, for her own support but also for his peace of mind, if Elizabeth lost her control, Edward was close enough to stop her.

"A surf board," Elizabeth replies quietly, keeping her breathing shallow just as her father had advised. Not breathing deeply meant the scent and flavour of the blood didn't burn her throat so viciously.

"Very ambitious, you gonna get Jake to teach you?" Charlie smiles.

"I already know how to do it, I've watched a video," Elizabeth smiles with closed teeth.

"Wow...well little'n I look forward to coming down to watch you, think I'm too old for that sort of thing now," Charlie laughs and catches Edward's eye. Edward glances down at Elizabeth and then back up at Charlie with a sympathetic smile.

Charlie didn't need to try and be the wonderful grandfather figure he was with Renesmee, the two of them got on like a house on fire. Elizabeth however, because she was uncomfortable in his company it made things difficult for both of them. Charlie felt constantly like he was failing the young girl in some way, why did she always seem distracted?

Edward and Bella had tried to reassure him, even Sue had told him the girls were special, and Elizabeth didn't love her granddad any less just because she was a little shy. Charlie knew the girls were special, every time he saw them they'd gotten bigger, they were smarter and prettier and both had an almost unbelievable awe of near magic around them.

"Nessie wants a bunk bed for our room," Elizabeth says and her sister turns with a confused look.

"That's not right, you want a bunk bed, so we can build forts underneath it," Renesmee grins.

"With lots of pillows," Elizabeth mutters sweetly, her lips curling into a smile at the thought.

"Bunk beds, you two will grow out of that in no time, you should ask your dad to hang some hammocks instead, then you can take 'em down when you want to...do you guys play with Lego? Is Lego still a thing?"

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