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Florence, Italy

The phone shook so violently Elizabeth thought it would break as she held it firm. An onslaught of messages, missed calls and emails all suddenly trying to download themselves now it was reconnected to signal.

Dad, Mum, Ness, Jake, Rosie, Emmy, Jazz, Ally, Carlisle, Esme, Charlie...

Had her family told Charlie she'd run away? Perhaps his single call had just been a coincidence...or, Edward had asked him to ring to look coincidental and was actually just a ploy to catch her out.

Elizabeth flagged down a taxi and told the driver where she wanted to go, just to the main gates of the city, she wanted to give herself as much time to think things through before finally stepping across the final line, for of course several other lines had already been crossed.

"Hi, Carlisle," she sighed. Ringing her grandad, she knew would also be a direct line to her parents, Elizabeth was even surprised Carlisle answered her at all and not her father.

"Elizabeth, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, grandad," she replies calmly, although hearing his voice made panic and Adrenalin coarse through her veins.

"Please come home, I am ever so sorry, I should've controlled the situation better. I am sorry we upset you," Carlisle apologises.

"You didn't do anything wrong, no one has," Elizabeth says. "But I think I've needed to do this since that day in the clearing. There's something about Aro, about the Volturi that I am curious about, I can't seem to let it go."

"I understand the curiosity my darling girl, but I must make sure you understand the risks, you are willingly walking into a situation that may become dangerous and not even myself will be able to help you if it does."

"I know..." Elizabeth finds herself nodding even though her grandad couldn't see her. "I understand, I promise."

There was silence at the other end of the phone. "Another promise, please, that you keep us informed of what you are doing, that you are safe?"

"And you will make sure nobody escalates the risk by coming to rescue me?"

"Alice will watch, we will only intervene if she sees something serious."

"I promise." Elizabeth swears softly.

"I promise." Carlisle responds in equal tone.

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