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Forks, Washington

Not since the Egyptian war had the Volturi stood against such a threat.

Their battle field was simply that, a field, clear of trees and far from human settlement with a frosted layer of fallen snow. A stark and crisp canvas ready and waiting to be painted with the colours of combat.

The enemy they faced were a mixture of friend and foe, Carlisle Cullen, Stregoni benefici, the Volturi had shared several years in his company, the kings still considered him a friend, albeit his diet of choice an insult to their supernatural existence. Alongside the doctor were his 'family'. The Olympic Coven, strong with gifted immortals, Edward the telepath, Alice the seer, Jasper the manipulator of emotions, their gifts were powerful and therefor a threat. However, the latter were no where to be seen, Aro was almost disappointed not to find Alice within their ranks, perhaps she had seen the outcome and thought it best to flee.

Between the Cullen Clan were other vampires, members of various covens; Egyptian, Denali, Irish, Amazon and even the last remaining ancients from the Romanian Coven. Several unknown nomads also stood alongside their opposition, an impressive collection of witnesses which made the Volturi Kings suspicious as to the allegations of the existence of an immortal child. However, any thoughts of peace were smothered by the presence of seventeen large wolves. Huge beasts, far bigger in size than the children of the moon, their abilities and presence a mystery to the Volturi even with their wealth of knowledge.

Caius, having a particularly personal history with the werewolf species was immediately furious such creatures were being used to support their vampire opposition.

The true source of attention, however, were the two children, neither appeared to be older than four or five years of age, both exceptionally pretty angelic girls. One clung to the back of Isabella, a large wolf by their side while the other similarly held firmly to the back of Rosalie, another of the Cullen members. What truly shocked Aro was the presence of two immortal children, the audacity. Only one had been reported to him.

When the final footfall of movement ceased several long seconds of silence hung over the two parties; not a single being present was able to confidently predict the outcome of this confrontation.

Aro stood front and centre, his hands offered to his brothers touch, their silent communication of thoughts as they assessed the situation laid before them. Outnumbered. Unknown strengths. Wolves. Children. No Alice. Wolves. Two children.

They outnumber us. Marcus's thoughts resonated through Aro's mind. Indeed. Never had the Volturi faced a strength greater than their own. Aro's eyes scoured the oppositions forces, they not only had strength in numbers but also in special abilities, there was a risk the Volturi could loose.

Association with wolves, how dare they! Caius's rage was palpable, he was itching for the fight.

Edward, Carlisle, Eleazar, Tanya... Marcus listed the main leaders to Aro, the bonds displayed between the strongest couples. The wolves will fight to the death, they understand we will hunt them now regardless of the outcome.

"Aro, my old friend. It's been centuries."

Brazen fool. Caius's thoughts dissipated as Aro released the hands of his brothers and stepped forwards.

The Volturi guard bristled, the ranks closing, the warriors crouched low, poised and ready for their orders. Hisses of anger rippled through the sea of dark cloaks and the guard curled their lips back over their teeth in visual display of aggression.

"Peace." Aro raised a hand to his loyal members and the reaction, slower than their initial response to threat, was nonetheless swift to ease in belligerency.

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