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St. John's, Newfoundland

"I think we should get you your own postbox!" Emmett chuckles as he deposits the wad of envelopes on the table. "Who have we got love letters from today then?" He starts to sift through them, more interested in their postage stamps and marks rather than the handwriting but Elizabeth rushes to collect them before he notices anything odd.

"It's rude to read other peoples mail!" She frowns at her uncle and Emmett drops the letters he was holding back to the table, his hands in the air in an innocent pose.

"Sorry Liz, didn't realise they were real love letters," he winks and Elizabeth blushes.

"They aren't love letters..." she mutters while neatly pulling the various envelopes into a stack. "I just...it isn't childish is it?"

"What? No of course not! It's romantic," Emmett says. "Not in the love letter way, its nice, ya know, humans these days just send emojis or memes, there no real emotion in communication. Letters, I remember sending Rosie letters when we first started out, it was cute, it held a lot more emotion, real emotion."

"I'd like to repeat, I am not sending love letters," Elizabeth said.

"I know, I just mean...Look lets not think of it as romance, friendships, you talk to our family friends more than anyone, you've created and maintain super strong relationships with them all and every word you write and every page they send you back in response has taken time and thought and effort to do. That's what I mean by emotion, it'd be easier to pick up the phone and chat, but not a single month goes by without anyone sending you a letter in reply. You'll need a study like Carlisle soon for all your file cabinets of letters."

"Thanks, Em," Elizabeth smiles. "I was starting to worry that this little habit was annoying people."

"I promise you little Liz, nobody is ever annoyed to hear from you. They love receiving your letters."

Elizabeth blushed again and stood up from her seat. "Want to go and hunt some moose this afternoon?"

"Do I ever!" Emmett booms.

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