His name felt almost unnatural coming from Matias's lips. But Samuel didn't mind it, it was nice in a weird kind of way.

"Samuel we've been fighting for years. We can't just ignore that it ever happened and try to be friends." Matias spoke with emotion coursing through his voice, which Samuel learned was pretty rare for him.

"We don't have to ignore it! You already explained how it all started as a misunderstanding, and I fully believe that you weren't behind any of the other things you were accused of. We can work it out" he pleaded, trying not to sound like he was begging.

"That's the thing Samuel! We've hated each other for years, how can you just forgive me so fast?" Matias raised his voice, but it was clear that he wasn't mad.

"Matias.." Samuel spoke longingly

"I can't forgive you"

Matias looked up at Samuel with eyes that seemed to hold so many and yet no emotions at the same time.

"I can't forgive you, because there's nothing to forgive you for."

The two stared at each other for a moment longer than either of them would like to admit.

"Everything I was upset at you about before it turns out you didn't even do. You never killed anyone and you never intended to start any fights. I believe you when you say that.

A small smile formed on Matias's lips before it quickly faded and his eyes widened.

"no.. that not true." Matias seemed to be breathing more than he was actually talking.

"What? What do you mean?" Samuel felt disappointed as Matias looked away.

Matias's breathing quickened and his fingers began to twitch. Samuel scooted closer in a pathetic attempt to calm him down.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" he spoke swiftly

He wanted to hug Matias until he calmed down. He at least wanted to put a hand on his shoulder. But for some reason his body betrayed him, and he just sat there staring at the man before him.

The mood of the whole room had drastically shifted in a fraction of a second. Samuel wasn't exactly sure what he said wrong, but he cursed himself for saying it.

Matias was now huffing with every ragged breath and his hands were shaking while balled into fists. He was clearly trying to get the whole thing to stop as he avoided Samuels gaze as much as he could.

"Matias it's okay. Whatever it is, it'll be okay. I promise"

Samuel finally worked up an ounce of courage. He held his hand up with his pinky displayed.

"I pinky promise"

Matias looked at Samuels hand, moving only his eyes as his head remained still.

"samuel.." Matias barely managed between breaths.

"Shh, you have to finish the pinky promise. Everything is going to be okay"

Matias stared at Samuels hand, his breathing remaining the same. After a long moment Matias finally raised a trembling hand. He locked his pinky onto Samuels and pulled both of their hands down to the couch.

Matias looked down at the floor trying to hide his face from Samuel.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" Samuel asked when he didn't know what else to say. He had never been in a situation like this and actions seemed easier than words.
Matias nodded slowly.

Samuel pulled his pinky away from Matias and put that hand on his back. He scooted even closer to him so their hips were now touching. He used his other hand to grab Matias's.

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