It wouldn't have taken a lot to recognize the trouble behind Harry's eyes the second he hit that answer button this morning. The hurt in his voice when avoiding saying the same words he'd promise himself he'd never spew were probably right up there with my contractions, which are monumentally the most unpleasant form of torture any human could ever endure.

After Hunter broke over two dozen laws driving us to the hospital, he waited until I was admitted for him to drive back to the precinct after getting another call about Harry's case again, and reluctantly left me and Ember alone in the same shivering emergency room our best friend was wheeled in just merely two weeks ago.

Just Ember and I. The same way it all started.

"One more chip, Bo." She waves the spoon in front of my face for the hundredth time this last hour, failing to grab my attention when the growing clouds outside the quaint room kept me in a daze. "We barely ate breakfast before this and you gotta stay hydrated."

"I'm good." Had been the same two syllables that left my mouth on their own accord. I barely even processed if they were true long enough before they let themselves out.

Hunter, being the saint he is, explained all the details about Harry's charges after I begged him to put his mercy for me aside and to save himself the pity party for me when I wasn't having it for myself either.

We hadn't received any more calls from the precinct even hours after the morning bled into noon. Word had gone around faster than any of us could anticipate, though. Not that we were, anyways, much like a second phone call that never rang through and disappointed anyone but me. If there's anyone that was sure it wasn't gonna come through, it was me.

I wasn't trying to be negative. I knew there was no use in me plastering a frown on my face and resisting to push this baby out just to make it harder for everyone involved and potentially harm myself and Arlo in the process.

Hunter was always the one between the both of us to know how to lead a group in a moment of panic from the moment I understood what feelings were and how to navigate through them. I'm sure if it'd been the opposite and he lacked common sense or tranquility, not only would my world fucking crumble, but the first thing he'd done was haul me over his shoulder like a potato sack and bolt into that ER demanding I get medical assistance without even giving thought to the fact that I'm seven and a half months pregnant.

He was calm, he always was. Him and Ember had been polar opposite ends and influences of my own personality for most of my life, but I couldn't be more grateful for how they both seemed to be on the same level of controlled panic for my sake.

Thankfully, the second the hospital doors split open, Hunter carried me inside bridal style with Ember right on his tail holding onto the bottom of his shirt for dear life in fear of falling behind while also being brave enough to hold onto my hand on every stop he made in case I had another wash of pain while waiting to be admitted.

The room was just like any delivery room I'd read about in books, seen in movies, even YouTube videos. Harry and I failed to book a birthing class, and while I can only blame myself for losing that incredibly important detail in my journey, the nurses were kind enough to educate me about all the necessary information I needed to know besides everything Fran had given me up until this point.

Was I ready? I wasn't sure. Although I'd only been heavily working with my fertility issues for about four years now, I'd been preparing for this day for my whole life. My situation wasn't your most favorable or likely to be in, but nothing about my life has ever been likely or something people romanticized over as they grew older.

Much like the weather today, the sun was nowhere to be found unless it was too late.

I yearned to experience the purest form of love a person could bear. I'd say Harry already did so, but I like to think he was just another helping hand in scattering it all throughout our time together and amounting enough for all three of us in preparation for the big day.

Haste [h.s.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora