chapter 26

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While on my way back from Enid's house with the intention of meeting up with Jenna, I received a call from Olivia. Initially, I ignored the message from the girl, unsure of how to exactly handle the situation.

Surprised yet pleased, I answered the phone.

"Hello, Olivia! I just left Enid's house. How are you?" I asked, looking both ways down the street before crossing at the pedestrian crossing.

"Hi, y/n! I finally tracked you down. You know, I missed you a lot during the Christmas break. I was hoping for at least a message from you," Olivia's sweet voice sounded through my phone, making me feel guilty.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Olivia. I was so busy with the holiday events that I completely forgot to get in touch. Can you forgive me?" I bite my lower lip.

"I'm slightly offended, I must admit. It's not nice to hear that you were too busy to remember me," Olivia chuckles softly, making it clear she's only half-joking.

"I genuinely apologize, Olivia. I didn't mean to hurt you... you were always in my thoughts, you know? But I made a mistake by not communicating with you," I admit.

Honestly, I missed Olivia Rodrigo. She always managed to make me smile and was truly great company.

"I was hoping for a bit of attention from you. I hope you understand how I feel," Olivia murmurs softly, avoiding being overheard by her family.

"Absolutely, Liv. I'm really sorry. Our friendship is important to me, and I'll do my best to make it up."

Olivia fell silent for a moment, probably disappointed that I had referred to her as a "friend" without considering her feelings and how important she was to her.

"Oh... friendship..." Olivia's tone shows her disappointment, and I almost scold myself for being insensitive.

Olivia, aware that things between t/n and the mysterious girl had gone well, decided to put aside her disappointment and not complicate the situation further. Though she felt bad, she knew she couldn't force someone to be with her.

"I'm sorry, Liv... I...," I start with difficulty, not exactly sure what to say. I had managed to take my relationship with Jenna to another level, but I had no intention of revealing that I was with the teacher, although I wasn't exactly sure what we were.

"Don't worry... I understand... you told me a while ago that if things went well with the other girl, you'd take the opportunity," Liv admits, her voice a bit low. I could hear Olivia's heart breaking into a million pieces, and I hated being the cause.

"Besides, I wanted to tell you that I'm considering giving Dove a chance, the blonde girl I met at the dance. She seems like an interesting person," I smile upon hearing the wonderful news.

Dove Cameron is a girl with delicate features and charming looks. She has a fair complexion, vibrant blue-green eyes, and blonde hair, often styled elegantly or with natural waves. Her figure is slender and well-proportioned, with a height of around 5'3" (1.60 meters). The girl is known for her energetic and cheerful personality. She's often described as outgoing, friendly, and sociable.

"I understand. It seems the holiday dance brought interesting discoveries for both of us. I hope things go well for you and Dove," I confide with a teasing tone. Olivia bursts into hearty laughter, and I follow suit.

"Is it y/n?" the distant voice of someone I recognize as Emma reaches my ears. I hear Olivia's confirmation, and with a smile, I listen to the sweet interaction.

"Anyway... see you tomorrow, right? Maybe we can go get some coffee," the Asian-origin girl quickly adds, covering the microphone, almost hiding the sound of her voice. "And my mom misses you," she admits.

"I'll see her soon, don't worry," I chuckle softly.

In the distance, I see Jenna's house and smile as I spot one of her sisters in the garden. I furrow my brow in confusion as I see the rest of the family coming out with suitcases.

"We'll see you soon. Goodbye," Olivia says.

"Goodbye, Olivia. Take care," I end the call and quickly walk toward Jenna and her family.

"Hey... are you leaving already?" I ask with disappointment, looking at the sad faces of her family. Isaac walks in my direction and hugs me, catching me off guard. "We'll talk soon, you owe me a coffee," Isaac murmurs between my hair before breaking the hug. I see Jenna roll her eyes slightly annoyed before walking toward her car and opening the trunk.

"Yeah... we're going to miss you a lot," Aliyah and Mia hug me, and with a lump in my throat, I return the embrace, resting my head in the crook of the latter's neck.

"Will we see each other, right? I'll call you from time to time," Aliyah adds, breaking the hug. Mia continues to keep her arms around my waist. I look at Aliyah with a smiling nod several times.

Aliyah had very similar facial features to Jenna. On that day, she was wearing ripped jeans and a black hoodie, her brown hair gracefully falling over her shoulders.

"Of course... if I can, I'll come visit you this summer," I admit with a smile, not wanting to give false hope to those present.

"Will you come with us to the airport?" Natalie absentmindedly asks, and I nod in response to her request. The least I could do was bid them a proper farewell.

I'll miss Jenna's family a lot, and especially being in their house.

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