chapter 19

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It was late, but I was still awake, studying for the English literature exam I had the next day. The letters on the pages were blurry, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't remember half of what I was reading because I was so tired. But I had to keep going to say that at least I tried.

The vibration of the phone on my desk distracted me from the book. With a sigh of relief, I pick up the object in my hands, grateful for the chance to take a break. I looked with confusion at the phone screen when I saw that besides Olivia, Jenna had also messaged me.

I decide to read Olivia's message first.

Heyyy (1:13)

Damn... was it one in the morning?

                                                       Hey Liv!

Have you finished studying?

With a furrowed brow, I bite my lower lip in frustration.

                                                 Actually, no.
                                    But if you need me
                                                      I'm here.

Great! It would be a big favor if you could open the window.

Confusion overwhelms me as I read her message. With a furrowed brow, I close the chat and approach the corner of my room, seeing Olivia in front of my house with the phone in my hands. I open the window and lean out, smiling at the girl on the street.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper because I didn't want to wake my family. Olivia lifts her head from the phone and looks at me with a smile on her lips.

As a response, she moves closer under my window, looking at the tree near my house. In a quick but careful movement, she starts climbing along its branches, reaching out to touch the edge of my window with her fingers.

"Are you crazy or what?" I look at my friend with concern.

"If you help me, you'd be doing me a favor," she murmurs tiredly, unable to hold on much longer.

I stretch out my arm and grab her hand, helping her enter my room. With a small jump, she comes in completely, looking at me with a nervous smile.

"So... tell me everything," I say absentmindedly, looking at the lamp light pointing at the book on my desk. I sigh in frustration.

"In a few days... there will be a dance... You know?... the start of the Christmas holidays..." She puts her hands in her pockets, looking at me with flushed cheeks.

Oh... I knew how this was going to end.

"So I've been thinking... T/N... would you like to go to the dance with me?" She asks, with a hopeful tone.

I open my mouth in surprise and stay silent for a few seconds, wanting to think about her proposal. Actually... I didn't even know if I wanted to go because I didn't want to be the third wheel between Enid and Ajax... but if I had to choose someone to go with... besides Jenna obviously... it would be Olivia Rodrigo.

"Yes..." I whisper, and she leans slightly forward, not having heard my response.

I open my eyes when I see the light from the living room cross the door of my room. I quickly grab Olivia by her shoulders and urge her to move towards the window, needing to get out of here immediately.

The brunette puts a foot on a branch of the tree before turning towards me.

"And?" My eyes look at the door, and with my hands, I push Olivia. I look at Olivia with wide eyes before nodding several times.

"Yes?" She asks, with a smile on her lips.

"Yes! Now go before you get into trouble," I mutter under my breath, looking at Olivia.

She nods and leans towards my face, pressing our lips together for a split second. I look at her in surprise but say nothing, watching closely as she descends from the tree and lands on her feet.

"Goodnight," she smiles at me and raises her hand to wave goodbye, then starts running along the sidewalk towards her house on the other side of the neighborhood.

With a yawn, I return to the desk. I pick up the phone, turn off the lamp, and get into bed. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I hear the sound of the flush.

Well, she just went to the bathroom.

I turn on the phone and go to WhatsApp, reading Jenna's message. I can't deny that I was very nervous; I didn't expect a message from her after days... maybe a week or two without hearing from her.

Are you awake?

                                                       Me: Yes.

Jenna's smile appears on my screen, and with confusion, I answer her call.

"Hello?" I ask, hearing a sigh from the other side. Jenna stays silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"Is it true?" She asks, leaving me completely astonished. I get under the sheets, thinking about what to say.

"About what?" I ask, not knowing exactly what she wanted to talk about. She sighs in frustration before clearly gritting her teeth.

"At school, there are rumors that you and Rodrigo are together... Is it true?" She mutters, sounding annoyed and curious at the same time.

"Excuse me?" I was a bit incredulous; I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jenna Ortega called me in the middle of the night to ask me something like that.

"Is it true or not? Damn it, answer!" She speaks louder, very angry. I could feel her agitated breath, making me feel uncomfortable and nervous at the same time.

"No... we're not together... we're just getting to know each other... that's all," I confess faster than I wanted, biting my lower lip nervously. "But it's none of your business to ask me who I'm dating, right? After all, you told me a few days ago," I exclaim with venom, annoyed by her attitude.

Jenna sighs loudly and hangs up the call, making me feel triumphant and at the same time confused. I don't know what the hell is wrong with her, but she has no right to treat me like this, especially when she wanted to distance herself.

I put the phone on the bedside table and close my eyes, trying to sleep. The ghost of Olivia's kiss is present on my lips, and at the same time, Jenna's voice echoes in my head.

To say that I'm confused is an understatement.

Author's note:
If you comment on the story, you would do me a huge favor; after all, you encourage me to update that beautiful and problem-filled relationship :3

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