chapter 24

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After dinner, Isaac and I found ourselves on the couch, chatting about various topics. Out of the corner of my eye, I looked for Jenna, who was helping her parents wash the dishes in the kitchen. I smiled sheepishly when I realized that Isaac had extended his arm over my shoulders, likely seeking to hug me.

"Does anyone want some coffee?" I heard a voice from beside me and turned to her with embarrassment. Jenna watched us with curiosity, offering a forced smile.

"Oh, yes, please! Coffee would be great," I tried to break the awkward atmosphere around us, looking at Jenna with a forced smile on my lips. Jenna's dark eyes looked at me, trying to understand my intentions.

"I'd like coffee too, thank you," I could feel Isaac's eyes on one side of my head. I lowered my head to my lap, absentmindedly playing with my fingers.

"Alright, I'll prepare coffee for everyone," Jenna nodded, clenching the inside of her cheek to avoid saying anything inappropriate about her brother. The dark-haired girl gave me a fleeting look before returning to the kitchen.

"Hey, y/n, would you like to go out for coffee sometime? I'd love to get to know you better," Isaac's question surprised me, unable to imagine that he'd be interested in going out with me. The metallic clatter of the coffee maker hitting the table startled me.

Jenna had intentionally knocked the coffee maker onto the table upon hearing her older brother's proposal.

"Oh, well, sure! That would be fun," I admitted, looking shyly at the boy.

Isaac Ortega is a young man with a charming and distinctive appearance. He has an average height and an athletic build, indicative of his commitment to sports and taking care of his body. His hair is a soft shade of dark brown, which suits his short and neat haircut perfectly. He has an intense and penetrating gaze, with deep brown eyes that seem to light up when he's excited or interested in something. His eyebrows are well-defined, accentuating the expressiveness of his face.

Isaac's face is characterized by a square jawline and a slightly pronounced chin, giving him a determined and masculine appearance. He has clear and smooth skin, suggesting good personal care. His smile is contagious, with white and perfectly aligned teeth.

"That's great! I'm sure you'll have a great time," Jenna's tone of voice was slightly different, probably trying to raise her voice to avoid showing her discontent.

"Thank you, Jenna. I think we'll get along well," Isaac said with satisfaction.

"Yeah, I'm sure we will. Enjoy your date, you guys," it was evident that Jenna was jealous and almost afraid of being too obvious. I gave her a sidelong glance, signaling that only the teacher could see it.

"Thanks, Jenna. Will you join us next time?" I looked at Jenna, trying to convey that she should change her tone if she didn't want to blow our cover.

"Of course, I'd love to. Just let me know when," Jenna smiled nervously, wiping her hands with a cloth.

Jenna returned with the coffees and noticed the tension between Isaac and me, but decided not to intervene directly to avoid making the situation worse. She tried to distract herself and involve other family members in the conversation, hoping that the atmosphere would gradually ease.

Despite Jenna's jealousy, the evening continued, but the presence of Isaac and y/n in the same room became an evident point of tension. Y/n tried to stay polite and not reveal her discomfort, while Jenna struggled to hold back her words.


After an endless hour, it was time to go to sleep. Jenna had assigned the rooms to her family, wanting to sleep in the living room so as not to arouse suspicion.

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