chapter 10

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"So... a line integral or path integral is an integral where the function being integrated is evaluated along a path or curve," I repeat, glancing at Jenna across the room.

It had been three weeks since the last turbulent encounter with Miss Ortega in the closet, and since then, we had been maintaining a practically perfect relationship without any misunderstandings. Twice a week, we would meet in the empty classroom, studying advanced mathematics for the upcoming end-of-year exam. It seemed that this competition was going to take place in late March, right on the eve of graduation.

I place the bottom of the pen between my lips, feeling both exhausted and satisfied with my work.

Jenna walks in my direction. Her black boots come into view, and I slowly examine her with my gaze. Today, Jenna is wearing a green-and-white plaid skirt that reaches just above mid-thigh, matching her green polo. I almost feel like crying under her attentive and intimidating gaze.

She playfully taps my cheek, smiling with all 32 teeth.

"You see, after two hours, you finally figured it out," she asks rhetorically, and I look away from her inappropriate comment. I gently remove her hand from my face and stand up from the chair, completely tired.

I glance at the clock and sigh, realizing once again that it's gotten late.

"We should meet somewhere else... I practically live in this school," I mutter to myself, clenching my jaw to hide my displeasure.

"You're right," Jenna comments, and I turn towards her direction. I didn't think she would hear me. Miss Ortega puts the book in her backpack and looks at me with a slight smile on her lips.

"If it's not too... strange," she begins, pausing briefly, almost regretting what she said. "We can meet at my place," she concludes, putting the backpack on her back.

My eyes widen, and my cheeks turn red. A pleasant sensation spreads down my spine at the mere thought of staying at Jenna's house. Miss Ortega shakes her head, somewhat disappointed that I didn't give an immediate response.

"Well... I just... should know the address," I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

Jenna lets out a sigh of relief and smiles. She takes her phone from her bag and walks towards me, looking at her device. "How about I give you my number?" Her fingers tap something on the screen, most likely responding to a message.

"So, I'll send it to you on WhatsApp," she concludes, looking at me through her long lashes.

I nod my head, still speechless.

Jenna hands me her phone, a beautiful iPhone 14. I see that she has already opened the contact. Glancing at Jenna, I enter my number, feeling a bit surprised. I hand the phone back to the brunette, and she puts it in her bag.

"Well... then we'll catch up," she gives me a smile, revealing her dimples. Walking past me and always tilting her head with a smile on her lips, she exits the room.

Jenna... she asked for my number.


When I left school, I saw Enid leaning against the door of her new car. The blonde waved at me and walked in my direction, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I returned the hug, relaxing under her touch. Enid breaks the hug, jumping with happiness.

"Are you ready?" Enid takes my backpack from my hands, opens the trunk, and carelessly throws it in. She squeals and takes my hand, making me get into the passenger side.

"Ready? Ready for what?" I look at the blonde with confusion and fasten my seatbelt.

"For a party, of course." She inserts the key into the lock and starts the car. I widen my eyes and shake my head.

"At... 8 PM?" I said incredulously.

"No, I want to go home," I admit, and Enid mutters, bored. She shifts gears and drives towards the exit of Nevermore, crossing the iron gates.

"It's Friday... y/n, it's been ages since we went to a party together... lately, you've been studying too much, really too much," she absentmindedly bites her lower lip.

She turns towards me, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Alright... but we'll stay for a couple of hours, and then we go home... but... WATCH OUT!" I grip the seatbelt tightly when I see Enid running the red light.

Who the hell gave her a license?

"So, party?" she smiled, exhilarated by the victory. "Where are we going?" I catch my breath, relieved that I'm still alive. Enid turns back towards me.

"Look at the road," I add, still scared. Enid grips the steering wheel tightly, showing me her new nail polish combination.

"At Edward's house," she says, shrugging indifferently. Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "Edward?" I ask, sighing in frustration.

"He's an idiot... but he throws good parties," the blonde admits, and I fall silent, not knowing what else to add.

In the distance, we see Edward Smith's huge house, and despite the late hour of the party, people can already be seen entering his house. Extravagant lights invade the neighborhood, and deafening music resonates from meters away.

Enid parks, and we get out of the car, walking towards the entrance of the house. A notification on my phone prompts me to take it out of my pocket, and I furrow my brow when I see that I have received a message from an unknown sender.


"Hi! It's Jenna, well... this is my number."

I smile and save her number, amused that she felt the need to specify whose number it was.

"Hi Jenna, I'm y/n."

A few seconds later, I receive a message from her.

Jenna: Really? Don't tell me :/

Silly :3

I put my phone back in my pocket and enter the house, ready to let loose but with a smile on my lips.

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