Chapter 29

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For the first time in his life Jungkook is hesitant to go inside his brother's home..... clearly not wanting to meet his father again....he looked at Yoongi with pleasing eyes "can we come some other time please...i want to be at home right now" Yoongi sighed and wrapped his arm around his husband's waist... His one hand was holding the food he got packed in the restaurant... It's better to share it with a family than letting it go to waste... Eventually, they both were hungry and didn't get a chance to eat...

"Jungkook-ah... He won't do anything to you... I won't let him... Now, let's go in" he kissed Jungkook's cheek while taking a step forward…Jungkook pouted but like always Yoongi's kiss calmed him down and the moment the main door opened Jungkook's both angels came running towards him....

Byeol grabbed Jungkook's legs while looking at him with her big bambi eyes whereas su-jin composed herself and bowed at Yoongi which make him chuckle both the adults immediately picked the kids and showered them with kisses "I see we already have favourites here" Jin said as he walked towards them with a huge smile... Yoongi already texted him about their arrival... It was just Jungkook who had no clue…Jungkook ran towards him and jumped on him "i missed you Jinnie hyungie" jin chuckled and held the younger one in his arms firmly.... Even though they are just in-laws, but their love for each other is beyond words can describe

  "I missed you too, my oldest child... Come on... Your Wonu hyung is making your favourite Chicken Alfredo... I know my baby is hungry, right?" Definitely the first child for Jin... Jungkook was just 15 when Seokjin first met him... And even if he has grown into all Buffy and a strong police officer... He is still a child SeokJin adores the most... They walked into the living room where Wonwoo immediately picked his baby up in his arms... No wonder Jungkook seeks attention most of the time... He has been spoiled by Wonwoo and then by Jin... And now, Jimin is no less than a brother who takes care of him as his own child even if there is barely a difference in their age... If Jungkook needs Jimin... The latter will ignore everyone... Including Hoseok to be there for his baby

"How are you baby? How was your day?" He asked like they weren't all just together yesterday "I am good....i missed you so know" he buried his face in the crook of his brother's neck and started telling his entire day's story from what he did to what he eat... everything literally everything which Wonwoo listened to it patiently while caressing his baby's hairs.....he loves to hear his baby's sweet mumbling....from their young age Wonwoo had treated him like a kid from taking care of him like a mother to scold him in his mistakes like a father..... knowing how fragile his baby is....he always protected him from their parents until wonwoo had to leave the house....the only thing he ever regretted in his life is to leave his brother to those monsters to which he is still guilty till this date…But that time... Wonwoo had no place to live... They were living a life he never wanted Jungkook to be part of and soon he was sent to the USA... However, they still kept in touch where Jungkook used to send him voice notes about his day and both Wonwoo and Jin used to listen to him... Just like how he is listening attentively...

Jin and Yoongi were setting up the dinner table, smiling at the scene in front of them... Both the Jeon brothers are really cute... And what's funny is that Byeol is sitting on Su-jin's lap exactly copying her uncle and telling her sister about her day... Even though both of them spent the entire day together, Su-jin is still listening to her attentively... That's when Mr. Jeon walked out of the guest room and a smile appeared on his face looking at his children and grandchildren like that.... only he knows how many he missed his kids....they use to be the same when they were little for Jungkook his Wonwoo Hyungie was his everything and same goes for Wonwoo...he is happy to know that even after having their own families the bond they use to share is still the same....he walked closer to them which only made both of the Jeon brothers smile disappear…

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