Chapter 16

174 16 5

"Earth to Tae bear" Yoongi shook the younger male's shoulder as he watched tears falling from Taehyung's eyes who was sitting there all zoned out... He has been calling the younger one's name for the past 5 mins...Taehyung looked at him and immediately wiped his tears " Sorry... I hope you have eaten well as the break is about to be over... and we also have a meeting with Lee Enterprise in 30 minutes... i should better go and check if all the documents are ready or not" saying that he stood up and was about to leave when Yoongi held his wrist "what is wrong?"

He looked into the younger's eyes... Even if he is 5 years behind the time... He can still read Taehyung like an open book... Whenever something hurts his baby... Tae starts saying things at the speed of a bullet train... He hasn't changed at all... The same innocent, baby bear he fell in love with years ago..."Nothing just having a little headache" he said looking anywhere but his eyes...Yoongi took a step closer towards the younger male... "You are a bad liar, Taehyung... Tell me what it is?" That commanding voice... The same voice that still has the power to make the younger male go weak on his knees...

Taehyung hugged him and started crying hard on the elder's shoulder "Just remembered our last day of being together... I know it's wrong to feel hurt even after 2 years when we both have moved on.... but I just can't help it. Deep down it still hurts... it hurts like hell" Yoongi held the younger male closer... In his time, they are the happiest couple... he is taking care of his baby with a thought to marry him one day... But right now... It's been 2 years since they shared any kiss... Even the thought makes him shiver... "I am sorry I was a coward" he whispered while caressing Taehyung's back...

The younger male shook his head while crying harder "you just wanted to fulfil her last wish... it wasn't cowardly of you but it's your bravery... not everyone can prioritise others happiness over themselves... it's stupid of me to still cry over someone who was never mine" Yoongi held Taehyung's tightly... "Hey... Now that is wrong... I was yours... We spent 6 years together... You can't say that I was never yours... You remember when you brought three stray kittens home but we couldn't keep them because of Hoseok's allergies so we put them under the shelter and named them Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok?"

This might be an old memory for the younger male but for 2018 Yoongi... It was just the day before Everything happened...Taehyung chuckled but nodded "you know, I even went to meet them yesterday" he said with his eyes closed.... enjoying the warmth of an older male after 2 whole years...."Yahhh why didn't you tell me? I would have accompanied you... Gosh I miss them" he said... He wonders how big those cute little kittens have gotten by now... And he also thinks how different the whole situation would have been if and only if he was married to Taehyung...

They wouldn't be just hugging each other right now..."I am going tomorrow as well....wanna accompany me?" He asked wiping his tears and looked at the elder with his big doe eyes which still holds the galaxy where Yoongi wants to stay forever with the younger "Is that even a question? Of course I will'' he smiled and wiped the tear that was on the younger's chin... That's exactly when Taehyung's phone vibrated in his pocket... It was the message from his boyfriend... or more like a confession on how much I miss you


Hey there, the most beautiful man in the world, 

just wanted to send a quick note to let you know 

that I miss you so much... I know we were together 

this morning, but I just wanted to remind you that 

you're always on my mind... Can we go out for dinner? 

Business is so slow today... I feel so sleepy... 

you must be busy... see you in the evening... 

Sending you lots of love and hugs!

My Tiger🐯:

I love you too my cherry... 

but I am sorry I don't think I 

will be able to make it today.... 

the workload is just too much 😔

He looked at Yoongi with pleasing eyes "After meeting with Lee I don't have any work so can I please take a half day off today? please?" He showed his most innocent doe eyes which he knows Yoongi can never say no to "that is called leaving early you idiot bear... Half is counted right after lunch... And yes you can go because I am also leaving early... Family/business dinner is waiting for me to host" Yoongi said while sitting back on his chair...

"Get the files for next meeting Mr. Kim" Taehyung started jumping like a hyped bear he is and hugged the elder" Thank you thank you thank you so much you are the best" he kissed elder's cheek and ran out of the room to get the required file....he can't express in words how much he is excited to surprise his cherry today And that how the day continued for the ex couple and strict business professionals...

Jimin was walking towards his car to get back home when he got a message from Jungkook...

Kookie🍪🐰: Why wasn't I informed that my parents are coming for dinner? 

I am finding this out from Taehyung who couldn't stop his excitement to surprise his boyfriend...😠

Shorty hyung 🐣: do one thing.... take a stick and beat the shit out of him👀👀👀

Kookie🍪🐰: *gasp* I can't do that... I don't hurt innocent people... 

But that's not the point... 

Why are they coming... Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? 🥺

Shorty hyung 🐣: don't worry just be back early and enjoy the drama👀

Kookie🍪🐰: Can't I stay here for late


you pick me up after they leave? 

Also, stop using those eyes... It's creepy

Shorty hyung 🐣: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Is it okay now? oh just so you know 

there is no escape you need to be there to enjoy the drama and why the hell are you worrying ??

i will be there for you no matter what

Kookie🍪🐰: just pick me up on your way home... 

I will ask for early leave which they will eventually grant me so yeah... 

Don't use those eyes or-


Shorty hyung 🐣: okay stop with your Bambi eyes....

and i am on my way to pick you up....

Kookie🍪🐰: Love you ... You are the best hyungie~

*No proofread*

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