Chapter 4

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Hoseok couldn't stop complaining while cleaning the house... "Why the fuck we purchased such a big house when we decided not to keep a house help... Dammit it's so much work" he groaned... But then he caught the sight of younger male... Who was looking really pretty in the orange sweat shirt and black jeans

 Who was looking really pretty in the orange sweat shirt and black jeans

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"Stop complaining you whinny child....gosh i can't believe how much of a lazy brat you were 5 years ago..." Jimin shook his head in disbelief while he stood up on the table and started cleaning the walls…Hoseok rolled his eyes... "Tell me one thing... We had a love marriage or arrange because if it was love... I don't know how I even survived to live with a brat like you" the older said while constantly eyeing Jimin's action as the younger male was literally at the edge of the table and him standing his tiptoes weren't a great idea according to Hoseok "First of all....i am a saint compared to you and secondly and  also unfortunately you were madly in love with me more like stubbornly because after being rejected 5 times you still came to me to ask me out for a coffee " jimin chuckled remembering old days...he then notice some dust lingering on the upper edge of the wall so he tried to stretch his body more to clean the spot but unfortunately lost his balance but before he could touch the ground, pair of hands were wrapped around his waist... "Are you a fucking idiot? You could have hurted yourself really badly..." Hoseok scolding while holding Jimin securely in his arms... Only he knows how badly his heart is pounding in his chest... The bitch is seconds away from jumping out of his ribs…But that just made jimin giggled "Aren't you being too caring for someone you don't know and certainly don't like?" Even though he said this but deep down he is really happy to see the care in his Seokie's eyes…Hoseok took a deep breath... And made Jimin sit on the table before standing in front of him... "Listen... I am heartbroken... Not heartless... It would have been really inhuman of me if I stood there watching you fall and hurt yourself... I might not know you... But you are too pretty to be ignored" he said before going back to his work…Jimin dramatically sighed "can't believe I am getting compliment from this rude ass....but still I miss my Seokie" he pouted before going back to work "btw aren't you curious to know how you know me when you proposed me and most importantly how we spent out first night together" Hoseok stopped clean and didn't turned around... His eyes were wide and now so many unholy thoughts were running through his mind... Does he wants to know that? Probably not... But he is curious? Maybe yes... Is is going to tell that to Jimin? Hell no!... "Finish your work or my mom will go like you kids can't keep one single place clean..." He mimicked his mother's voice "I am sure eomma is just gonna thank me for keeping everyone in line " he started laughing hard but then heard the door bell "yes the cake is here...yesssssssss" he ran towards the main door like an excited kid…Hoseok shook his head and went to continue his cleaning...

Soon the clock strikes 6 and everyone started coming... They all started complimenting Jimin and Hoseok for how beautiful they both look

 They all started complimenting Jimin and Hoseok for how beautiful they both look

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