Chapter 21

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After dinner, Wonwoo and Jin were in the living room with Jungkook laying between his brother's legs with head resting on the older thigh... Su-jin and Byeol were in between... That's when Yoongi brought milk for the kids... Or more like Jimin made to do so...

"Uncle Yoonie... You have to tell the story this time... You promised us" Byeol said and Su-jin nodded... Do they ever disagree? Yoongi chuckled and kissed both of their foreheads "first finish the milk like a good girl you both are" both of them scrunch their nose but immediately drink it so that they could hear a nice story " now tell us" both of them jump out in excitement making Yoongi chuckle he kissed both of their foreheads "so which type of story you want to hear?" Both the Jeon sisters shrugged... "Anything is fine" they said in unison... Yoongi hummed...

"Okay so... Long time ago, there used to be a king, an evil queen, and two princes... The evil queen used to torture her sons and king used to stay quiet... He was too coward to take a stand for himself or his sons... Until one day, the older prince ran away with the love of his life... Leaving the younger prince behind... Everyday, that evil queen tortured the young prince... Trapped him in a guilt trap... And made him believe that he is the one responsible for their problems...

The only thing prince hoped for the day will change and someone will save him from all the misery-" Yoongi was cut short by Su-jin "that's so stupid" She protectively hugged her dadda "a person like this should literally die" she snuggle more into her father's embrace knowing that this story is not a story but the reality of their they never told her anything but she isn't stupid to not see it....and the reason why she stopped Yoongi is because she doesn't want her little sister to know all this or even think about it.... "also... I think the prince should stop hoping for a happy day or wait for someone to help him...

Because Appa told me that you have to fight your own battles... No matter how many people are there to protect you... If you can't fight for yourself... Nobody can protect you forever... I know that prince might face the execution after that but... It is better to die with dignity than live with misery... At the end of the day... Prince will be happy that he fought... Because it is okay to break the rules' ' Su-jin said while taking glances at her uncle who was stiff ever since Yoongi started the story... Byeol nodded "exactly... Just like we broke no snacks after the midnight rule... yesterday" she confessed with a big smile...

Si-jin facepalmed herself " that was supposed to be a secre-Ahhh appa we are sorry" before she could complete her sentence Jin pulled both of their ears "now you both are too big to break the rules right?but how did you reached the top wardrobe?" He asked, being confused on how they get the snacks because even with a chair or stool it's impossible for their tiny bodies to reach the upper cabinet of the kitchen...

Wonwoo held Jin's wrist... "Babe... It was just a one time thing and I am responsible for it... no one will break that rule ever again... I promise... I brought the snacks to their room... I am sorry My little hamster~" Jin's neck and ears turned red as Yoongi and Jungkook were also present in the room...

"Yeah okay but you better not eat snacks after dinner it's a bad habit" he strictly told this to both of his daughters who immediately nodded like the world's most obedient creature but deep down even they know they won't gonna last for too long... After all they have their dadda to help them.... whenever Jin denies them to have chocolate or snacks they just simply go to their dadda and put up their best puppy eyes and boom... their dadda fulfil their wishes... But their appa doesn't need to know this....well that's what they thought as Jin knows about all their mistheaves.... no neither Wonwoo nor su-jin reveals anything but their little Byeol can't stay without sharing everything to his Appa...

Yoongi looked at Jungkook... "Baby... I think we should also go to sleep..." He purposely used the word 'baby' to make sure Wonwoo and Jin don't get the hint that something is off between them... And on top of it... He genuinely cares about Jungkook... Everytime, Yoongi thinks about all the pain he has been through... Something breaks inside him... And he seriously can't bear the pain in Jungkook's big, beautiful eyes...

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