Chapter 3

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A night prior -

"Wohhhoooooo our best friend is getting married" Hoseok yelled, grinning widely, clearly trying to hide the pain of not having his boyfriend in his arms... Namjoon was laughing as well while Yoongi and Taehyung were messily making out in one corner "Even though I still believe I am way too young for marriage but… I love Jackson way too much to reject him" Namjoon said while chugging his 6th glass of whiskey… Hoseok sat beside his best friend before running his fingers on the younger's thigh... "There is no such thing as too old or too young... When you both feel that the time is right... You should get married..." He whispered in Namjoon's ear... Both of them were two drunk to think anything straight... That's when a hot and tall beauty slipped his phone number on Hoseok's lap before giving a nice show of his ass… Hoseok gagged at it, he immediately took the paper and threw it away… he can only drool for one booty that is his baby bunny's Jungbooty… he can't even think of even eyeing anyone else..... that's when his eyes landed on his other best friend who was literally eating his boyfriend alive..."will you both stop making me feel so single?" That made Yoongi and Taehyung pull away from each other... "What is your problem cock blocker... Go get yourself some ass for the night..." Yoongi yelled over the music...while groping Taehyung's ass Hoseok rolled his eyes "it's a friends party not your couple date...and dude you both literally live together… now calm your horny ass and let's do something together" Yoongi sighed and made Taehyung sit on his lap... "I would rather do my boyfriend... But what do you have in your mind?"

"Let's play a game similar to truth and dare but it won't have any truth in it… it's all dare… and whoever will say no to it has to take one Tequila shot?" Hoseok suggested in pure excitement…All the other men sighed... "Seriously? Aren't you drunk enough to not even stand properly and-" before Yoongi could finish a woman on their left cleared her throat...Yoongi slightly bowed at her in a apologetic way and went back on kissing his dear boyfriend...he can't believe his best friend stopped his precious makeout session for a stupid dare game… But Hoseok being the stubborn brat he is, kept on insisting them to play…The lady again cleared her throat... "If you want... I would love to play a game... only if you have guts" All four of them gave her a weird look "I can make you guys live in the future" that only made Yoongi and Hoseok laugh loudly… But the lady wasn't laughing... "You two think it's funny? Why don't we give it a try... Or are you too chicken to try out?" And that triggered their ego or maybe they were really that drunk to think logically "what we have to do?" Hoseok asked with a raised eyebrow….The lady smirked... "Close your eyes and see where it gets you..." And both of them agreed...

-At present

"And that's how we ended up here... Shit man she was a witch bitch" Hoseok said…Yoongi nodded in agreement while both jikook just look at each other in disbelief they aren't sure if both of them are telling the truth or just straight up lying but again that's the only explanation of their weird behaviour… "but what are we supposed to do? You don't know anything but we do... Hoseok and I are happily married... You and Jungkook are on good terms after all the hardships you went through during your first year of marriage then suddenly all this is not good for us either... Maybe you guys should try going back to sleep... That way we can get our husbands back" Jimin tried to reason with more polite tone now... He has no reason to be mad at these two if they are not technically their husbands… Both yoonseok looked at each other with wide eyes then back at jimin "it's a great idea" both of them said in unison.... With that being settled, all of them finished their meal quietly and made their way to Jimin and 2023 Hoseok's bedroom… after a lot of tries they finally fell asleep... Jungkook was looking at his husband's face... Tears won't stop falling... Unlike Jimin and Hoseok... Their marriage was not all happy and giggly... So many ups and downs... And finally, few months ago when Jungkook and Yoongi finally started to be on the same page and shared their first proper kiss 3 months ago... He doesn't want to go through the same pain again... "Please wake up as my husband and not someone else's boyfriend" he choked on his words before leaving for their in-house library... The only place he gets comfort other than Jimin's hugs…Jimin, on the other hand was sitting on the couch waiting for them to wake up while praying for his husband and Yoongi hyung to be their future selves and not this....but can prayer really change destiny?

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