ch.3 --- dare.

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"Go for it?" I mutter to myself, "Can I?"

My vision locates her instantly amidst the crowd on the dance floor, I keep watching her, deliberating on what Jimin just said. He's right in the aspect of us not getting younger but I can't help but be scared that if I confess to her, I may lose her — the most important person in my life.

I am not prepared. I will never be prepared.

But I also want her. I need her so bad. She's already here for me and yet I still feel like she's far some times. How do I do this?

How do I make it known to her that she's my world without losing her in the process?

She stops dancing, I keep watching her and I can see she's looking around for something, her body was slowly turning towards my direction until she stopped with her gaze landing on me and locking it.

She looks so hot and sexy and if this was an orgy party, I'd make sure she's screaming my name right now. I'm crazy. Yes, very much crazy for her.

I can see the rise and fall of her chest and it took me back to her room, hours earlier when those soft mounds were pressed against my chest, I wished I wasn't wearing any clothes so I could have felt her very well.

She bites her lips, her gaze not flickering away from mine, her whole look is enough to send me into frenzy, I just freaking want her so bad and I'm beginning to wonder if she knows it.

Maybe Jimin is right. Maybe she likes me in the way I hope? Maybe she wants me to ram her against the wall till she's weak to the bones? Maybe she wants me to fulfil my silent promises? Maybe she really wants me to fuck her? Because the way she's staring back at me is speaking volumes but maybe I'm just wishing for it, maybe it's all in my head.

Yet, somehow, something bubbled at my throat, itching to escape so I let it out in a whisper, "I will fuck you." The way her eyes widened immediately made me almost say 'fuck it!' and really go for her.

But before I could tease her more, she broke our intense stare by turning around to face someone who I can now see is Yeonjun. That fucker!

My blood boils the moment I see Yeonjun wrapping his arms around her and pulling her so close, there's barely any space between them and they started dancing.

I thought after all my glares this evening and my past warnings, he wouldn't try something like this but no, he just had to be stubborn. Had to be that headstrong guy.

My fist tightened by my side as I try to remain calm and not act like a mad man. Not draw unwanted attention to her. So for her sake, I keep telling myself like a mantra to remain calm.

But that didn't last when I see he's not letting her go as she's trying to leave his hold.

"Is Yeonjun trying to die tonight?" Jimin says as he plops beside me with a loud exhale. In other translation; does Yeonjun want to die by my hands tonight?

"I think he's very high." One of the other guys says.

I get up, "Go easy." Jimin calls after me. I was getting so angry but I knew I had to keep it at bay.

i will fvck you - jjk ff  ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt