ch.4 --- do it.

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Mishil's POV:

I couldn't. I couldn't do it. There was no way I could have done it and risk losing us, our friendship. This night has been crazy, a lot has happened, a lot that has made keep going back and forth on the matter of hearts but at the end of it all, I knew where I stand, I know where I belong - his best friend. So there was no way I could have agreed with the dare.

But what I saw in his eyes made me question my stance. Made me not sure if I did the right thing or wrong thing when I really know it's the right thing I did. He looked hurt and I couldn't fathom why?

And it didn't end there. For the rest of the night, he didn't talk to me. I barely saw him and when I did, he was with the guys, chit-chatting.

He couldn't be angry about my refusal to kiss him right?

There's no way. It has to be about something else, something else my brain can't even understand.

I sigh, finishing the cup of water in my hand so I can lighten my tipsiness a bit, enough to walk to where he is as it's already time to go home.

Getting to him, I tap his shoulder and he turned around to look at me, "What?" He asked but in a hard tone. Oh, he's definitely mad at me. But for what?

"It's time to go home, our designated driver is already here. Let's go."

"Guys, I'm off. Stay in touch!" He wagged his finger at them making them chuckle and exchange hugs, his hug with Jimin lasted a bit longer and I felt they were whispering to each other. I'm sure Jimin can also see his attitude towards me. Maybe he knows why my best friend is mad at me?

Once they broke their hug, he began walking out, not waiting for me. I shake my head at his behaviour, then turn to Jimin and gave him a hug. Pulling apart, I asked him, "Seems he's mad at me, do you know why?"

"Just talk to him when you get home. You guys will be fine." He says, rubbing my shoulder before giving me a gentle push to start leaving. "Don't worry about greeting others, I'll tell them you both left." He says my mind before I got to voice it out.

In no time, we arrived home. The ride here felt so slow and it was quiet. He didn't even say a word to me, which kept me wondering all the way home what exactly I did to have gotten him this way. And to put an end to the surplus questions whirling in my mind, I immediately confronted him the moment we stepped into our apartment.

"Hey." I say, standing before him. We weren't drunk or high but we were halfway there.

He didn't say anything but just stare at me like a bored cat.

"Did I do something wrong?" I query, but he gave me no answer. "Jungkook, please talk to me, did I do something wrong? What happened?" I beseeched.

"Seriously?" He quirks one of his eyebrows at me, "You are asking me that, Mishil?" His eyes that looked pissed before now looks hurt.

"Is it-" I pause, not wanting to say the wrong thing but I still had to say the only thing that could have made him feel this way, "Is it because of the dare?" I mumbled, "Is it because I didn't kiss you?" This is it. I can't take it back.

"Yes, Mishil. It is." He answered instantly making gasp. Even if I was hoping for his answer to be that, I really wasn't expecting it to be. He's mad at me because I didn't kiss him, does that mean - mean he likes me?

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