ch.2 --- best friends.

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I love them. I hate them. It's all depending on my mood and luckily, tonight, my mood is very much pleasant. I can't wait to see everyone and catch up with them. My old classmates were the kings and queens of fun. The epitome of 'no dulling moment'.

We just arrived at the hotel we collectively agreed on, they rented a space that is perfect for get-togethers like this. It has a lounge area, a bar area and a good spacey dancing floor. One of our classmates volunteered to be the DJ and he's really good at it.

I'm really pumped.

And trying not to think about what happened back at home.

We are currently taking the elevator ride up when Jungkook cornered me, "Remember I said you look the Mishil of high school, and I remember guys flocking after you then, don't entertain such guys tonight, hmmm?" Yeah, I forgot to mention how possessive he is when it comes to my interaction with guys, especially the ones who are obvious with their intentions about me.

All I could do was nod.

He's too close and I'm trying to focus on everything else except my sexual thoughts.

"Your words, Mishil. I'm serious." His gaze looks so serious.

"I won't entertain them, Mr Jeon." I chuckle, trying to lighten the air.

"Better or I will fu– bite you." He laughed, scratching his neck and stepping back. That's a first. He used 'bite' instead of 'fuck'.

As much I love that threat, I'm very glad he changed it this time around. I can't be horny in a party that has alcohol. Wrong mix.

In no time, we arrived at the room the reunion party was being held, showing our invitation cards to the security man by the door, he let us in. Immediately we stepped in, it was a whiplash lash of being in an almost silent hallway and now in a music and chatter filled room. It was like we were transported into a different realm. It was a mix of white and purple light from the high ceiling to the reflection on the tiles floor.

"Mishil!" I heard my name being called, turning around, I saw Jin Ae walking towards with a huge smile on her face. She was the class military girl because of her tall and chubby build those days.

"Jin Ae, oh my goodness. It's been years!" I smile as I walk towards her, reaching her, I was expecting a full bear hug like before, but instead, she carried me and spinned me around emitting squeals from me. The music went silent immediately, making everybody's attention on Jin Ae and I.

"You never change." I giggled as she dropped me, she quickly pecked both my cheeks, "I thought by now, this fool–" She nodded at Jungkook who was standing behind me, "–would have put a ring on your finger." Everyone laughed at her words, "But since he's snoozed, he has lost you. Come be my girlfriend and I'll treat you like the absolute queen you are, my darling Mishil?" Oh yeah, she's also a lesbian.

"Jin Ae!" I exclaim, blushing at the attention.

"Say Yes!" Erupted around the room, everyone clapping and laughing.

"Okay, that's enough. Mishil is still my girl. Y'all can keep dreaming." Jungkook sasses, halting their chants and pulls me to his side by the waist, walking us towards the table where our friend circle were seated.

"Didn't hurt to try." Jin Ae shouts, winking at me. Making me giggle. "Stop giggling for her." Jungkook whispers in my ear.

"That's two requests so far. I can only adhere to one, choose, flirt with Jin Ae or flirt with the boys?" I quirk my eyebrows at him.

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