Chapter 20

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"Hey where'd you go?" Randy asked when Nova came back to them. "I found the hotel. I also found out that Jax lives here, but she hasnt come back home. She lives with her nephew but he hasnt seen her" Nova said. "Well, lets get to the hotel, and then maybe we can look for Jax" Randy said. "Guys" Dakota said. They looked at her. She looks like shes gonna puke. "Whats wrong?" Randy asked concerned. "Im out of blood. Im gonna... pass.." Dakota led on as her breath became heavier. "What do you mean you're out of blood?" Ashley asked. "To drink. CJ, get Crystal out of here. She has non-magical blood. Ill be... drawn... to her" Dakota breathed out. "We'll get a hotel room. You guys figure out this issue" CJ said. She took Crystals hand and they ran down the street. "How do we fix this?" Randy asked. Dakotas eyes started glowing red and she started shaking. Her breath became shaky. "Now I see where humans get their stories about vampires. When you guys are hungry, you're fucking scary" Blade said. Leah walked out of the cafe. "Whats going on?" She asked. "Dakotas hungry for blood" Nova said. Leah looked down at Dakota, who was holding onto Randy for dear life. "Hold on" Leah said. She walked back into the cafe. "Its ok. Just hold on babe" Randy whispered to Dakota. Dakota was heaving at this point, her chest vibrating with each breath. Leah came back out and bent down to Dakotas face. She took out a bottle, opened it, and shoved it in Dakotas mouth. As she was force fed the liquid, her breathing calmed and she her eyes stopped glowing. Leah removed the bottle and put the cap on. "You ok?" She asked. "Yeah. Thank you" Dakota said out of breath. "They seel that in there?" Nova asked. "I guess some aliens drink blood" Leah said. Randy stood up and helped Dakota up. "How did you run out of blood?" Randy asked. "I carry a canteen and Ive just been taking swigs when I need it, but I ran out last night" Dakota said. "Im gonna buy another bottle" Randy said. Dakota smiled. "Thanks, and thank you Leah" she said. Leah smiled. "No problem. Here." She handed her the bottle. "Lets go meet the others" Nova said.

Everyone got settled in the hotel and soon, night fell over the town. Nova stood outside, behind the hotel, staring up at the sky again, wondering where Jax could be. Wondering if she'd ever see her again. "I really am sorry. I shouldve stood up for you. Crystal stood up for CJ, and Leah stood up for Blade. I shouldve done it for you. I guess the volume of it all was too much to handle. If I could go back and say what i wanted too... how you arent a monster, how Im not afraid... but I didnt... and now you're gone" Nova said to the sky. Nova shifted in her stance, shoving her hands in the pocket of Jaxs hoodie. "Not exactly" she heard. Nova looked to the side and saw Jax standing there, cross armed, leaning against the wall. "How are you here?" Nova asked shocked. "I never left. Ive been following you guys." Jax said. She went to Nova and hugged her. Nova clutched onto her. "I missed you so bad" she mumbled into her shoulder. "I know, and I accept your apology. And Im also sorry that I left you like that" Jax said. "Dont be. Im sorry i reacted like that" Nova said. Jax squeezed her tighter. "I dont like not being around you" she whispered. "Me either." Nova whispered back. Jax held Nova close, but moved back so she could look at her. "I heard everything you said at the mountain. And Silver was right. I do love you" Jax said. Nova smiled and wrapped her arms around Jaxs neck. "Thank god. Are you gonna come back to the group?" Nova asked. "Not yet." Jax said. "You're gonna leave me alone again?" Nova asked. "No. Ill be following close behind" Jax said. "Then let me make the most of this moment" Nova said. She grabbed the collar of Jaxs shirt and pulled her in for a kiss. Jax pushed her into the wall and Novas hands slipped into her hair as they gently made out behind the building. Jax kissed down Novas neck. "Jaclyn" Nova moaned out. Jax stopped and pulled back in shock. "Who told you that was my name?" She asked. "Your nephew." Nova said. "You met him?" Jax said still shocked. "Yeah? Whats the matter?" Nova said confused. "I just... I never told you those things. I thought youd be mad" Jax said. "Im not mad. We've known each other for a few months. I dont know you that well. I just know I really wanna be close to you" Nova said. Jax smiled. "If you say so" she said.

Nova was happy now. She was able to sleep soundly. In the morning, they all set off to find the aliens artifact. "Whats this artifact called?" Nova asked. "The feeding crystal. At least thats what it looks like it says." Crystal said. "The hell is a feeding crystal?" CJ asked. Nova looked down in thought. "I doubt that on their home planet, they hunt all of their food. And if they eat magic, then they must have some eternal source of it. I bet these crystals are that source" Nova said. "Not a bad theory. But the Madex's live on a moon. Not a planet" Silver said. "Well whatever. Still, I bet thats what it means" Nova said. "Its in the woods." Crystal said nervously. "Whats wrong with that? Why are you being weird?" CJ asked. "These woods look really thick. Its like a maze. It might take us ages to get through it" Crystal said. Nova looked at her. "Then Ill go in alone. Im the only one who can get through that maze" she said. "Let me fly overhead to help" Leah said. "We're heading towards the Timber Woods. Those trees are so high, you wouldn't be able to see Nova at all" Silver said. "Its ok. Ill be fine. Remember, I can see through the trees. Everything will be fine" Nova said. "If you're sure" Leah said. "Im sure. Itll be ok" Nova said. "Alright. Lets get a move on" Crystal said.

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