Chapter 18

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Blade looked over and saw Jaxs hesitation. "Hey alien! Now would be a good time for you 'gain power' and help us!" She yelled. The dragon smacked Blade off of it with its wing. Blade came barreling into the wall and passed out when she hit the ground. "Hate to interrupt your existential crisis, but shes right!" Dakota said, dragging Randy back to the group, who was severely injured. "You must be able to do something! Please Jax!" Leah yelled, still flapping around the dragon. Jax sighed. "Alright. Fine" she said. Jax took off her hoodie and shoved it into Novas hands. "White wings! Get in here!" Jax yelled. Leah flew over, grabbed Blade who still hadnt gotten up, and then flew into the force field with the others. "Im gonna regret this" Jax said. Her eyes started glowing and chills ran up her spine. Her ears dissapeared and were replaced with two bright red furry pointy ears on her head. Sharp claws shot out of her hands and feet as they became more claw-like. Bright red fur sprouted from her hands and feet and went up just half her arms and legs, stopping at her elbows and knees. A bright red tail appeared behind her with the tip of it white. Nova was in awe of the transformation. Jax ran up to the beast and jumped up onto it, digging her claws into its scales. She then ran on all fours, up the beast to its head and flipped herself off of it. When she was eye to eye with it in mid air, she opened her mouth and the dragon stopped all movement. She floated there in mid-air as a yellow streak came out of the dragons chest. It led into Jaxs mouth. As the streak kept coming out, the color in the dragon started to fade. "Whats happening?" Nova asked. "Shes sucking the magic out of it. Shes taking its power. Thats what she meant all along" Blade, now awake, said. Jax finished what she was doing and dropped to the ground. She smacked her tounge. "Reptiles are always salty. That was gross" she said. She turned to the group and saw them all in shock and horror. She took a step forward and they all took one back, except for Silver. "You're afraid of me" Jax said shocked. "You eat magic! Why didnt you tell us?" Blade asked. "Because I knew youd be afraid! Im a Madex! We eat magic! It gives us our powers! I wasnt gonna drain you!" Jax said. "Thank Satan!" Blade said. Jax looked to Nova, who looked scared and she broke. Having Nova scared of her, was the worst possible thing. Nova noticed her face fall and snapped out of her trance. She went to walk to her but Jax backed up. "I see how it is. Good luck on your stupid quest" Jax said, her eyes watering. "Jax wait!" Nova yelled. Jax ran out of the cave and Nova ran after her. Nova was no match for Jaxs newfound speed.

Nova ran out but Jax was nowhere to be found. She heard rocks moving and looked up. Jax was climbing up the mountain. "Jax!" Nova yelled. Jax looked down at her, and now Nova could see just how much damage she caused. Jax was crying and her arms were shaking. Nova was speechless seeing her like that. Jax jumped out of sight and Nova started to cry. "Im sorry" she whimpered, but Jax was long gone. The others ran outside as Nova sat in the grass. "Whered she go?" Ashley asked. "Shes gone" Nova cried. "So what do we do now?" Ashley asked. Nova looked up angrily. "Dont you get it!? Shes gone! We cant finish it without her! And its your fault! Its all of your faults! Because you were afraid!" Nova yelled, standing up. "Hey! Dont yell at us! You were scared too" Blade snapped back. Nova put her hands on her head and looked down. "So stupid" she mumbled. "IM SO STUPID!" She screamed. The others stayed quiet, not knowing what to do. "I knew she was nervous... and I still backed away" she cried. Silver walked to Nova from behind and put her hand on her shoulder. "Its ok. Its a natural instinct to be scared of something you dont know about." Silver said. "But I know her. I... I love her" Nova said, whispering the last part. "Nova, Jax is upset now, but just like us, she'll come to terms with what happened, and she'll come back." Silver said. "How do you know that?" Nova cried. Silver smiled softly. "Because she loves you too" She said. Nova looked at her shocked. "Did she tell you that?" She asked. "I pick up hints. Dont worry Nova. Its not your fault" Silver said. Nova gripped her arms and nodded, trying to pull herself together. "Found it!" CJ said walking out to the group. They all turned to her. "Wheres the alien?" CJ asked. They looked back at Nova, waiting for a response. Nova rolled her eyes. "Lets go" she said annoyed. "Where are we going?" Crystal asked. "I dont know. You have the map" Nova said sarcastically. Crystal hesitated to open the map. Her eyes widened. "Oh" she said. "No. No ohs. Oh is not good!" Leah said. "Well its just that... the next artifact is..." Crystal looked up to Nova. She clenched her fists and kicked the dirt. "Of course it is!" Nova groaned. She crossed her arms. "Lead the way human! Lets just get it and move on!" She yelled. Crystal flinched under her words. "Ok" she said softly. CJ looked at Nova confused and went to console Crystal. "What happened?" She whispered. "Ill tell you later" Crystal whispered back.

The Test, For Power Or For TrustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora