Chapter 8

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The group stopped for the night, once again having to camp out. Ashley was watching Silver as she slept. Or at least, thats what she thought. "I know you're staring at me" Silver said. Ashley blushed and looked away. Silver turned over and looked at her. "What is it?" She asked with a sigh. "Im just really proud of what you did for Crystal" Ashley said. "I told you its my duty. I have to look after you guys" Silver said. "Still, you didnt hesitate. And I know that no one else saw, but I know that you were actually concerned. I saw it in your face" Ashley said. Silver smiled. "I was concerned. As much as I hate to admit it, I actually like being around you guys... especially you" Silver said. Ashley smiled. "Im still proud of you" she said. "Thanks" Silver said. Ashley leaned over and kissed Silvers cheek. "Goodnight" she said. Silver laid there in shock as Ashley went to bed. "Yeah, night" Silver said. Silver didnt know it, but Ashley was secretly smiling to herself for what she just did.

"So your daughter seems pretty smart" Randy said. Dakota smiled and huffed. "Shes smart alright. She uses it to her advantage. Shes evil" Dakota said. "What about your other daughter?" Randy asked. "Pure opposite. Charlie is the nicest vampire Ive ever met. She loves everything and everyone. I have noticed that shes not too bright, and she doesnt realize when people like Layla are manipulating her" Dakota said. "Thats not good. Hell, one minute with my kid will straighten her out. Chase is smart in a standoff-ish way. Shes a smart ass" Randy said. Dakota smiled. "Im happy Crystals ok. Thank god for Silver... literally" Dakota said. "Yeah." Randy said. "Ok, we better get some rest. Goodnight" Dakota said. "Goodnight" Randy said. Dakota laid back and Randy stared at her for a moment. Something clicked in that second. Her heart started pounding and all her senses became extremely powerful. The wolf in her started whining and crying as loud as possible, but Randy kept it in. She turned to her side of the tent and stared wide-eyed at the wall. Dakota is her mate, and she has no idea how to tell her.

CJ sat in her dog form and stared at Crystal asleep. She stared hopelessly, waiting for her to wake up. She slowly walked up to her and laid down next to her. Her eyes softened and she sighed. "I know you cant hear me, but Im really worried about you. Even though I know you're ok, its just so hard seeing you like this. Especially when you were so light and frail. It just killed me. I dont know why Im so attracted to you. Ever since this thing started, you've caught my eye. I wish I could just tell you this when you're awake, but I cant. I think Im falling in love with you Crystal. And I swear I wont let anything hurt you for the rest of this stupid test, and if you dont hate me by then, then Ill protect you for the rest of your life" CJ said. Crystals arm wrapped around CJ and she went stiff. "Crystal?" CJ asked. Crystal squeezed CJs fur and she started wagging her tail. "You're waking up! You're ok!" CJ said happily. Crystal brushed her thumb back and forth on CJs fur. She smiled. "Goodnight Crystal" she said. CJ put her head down and finally settled down to sleep.

When CJ woke up, she waited patiently for Crystal to open her eyes. When she finally did, CJ wagged her tail. "Are you feeling better?" She asked. Crystal moved her hand to hold her head and groaned. "Mhmm. What happened?" She asked. "You were bitten by a vampire. You would have died if not for Silver" CJ said. Crystal laid there for a moment, thinking. "I would have died... if not for you and Nova too" she said. "You were conscious?" CJ asked shocked. Crystal slowly nodded. "Barely. Everything was a blur. It felt like a fever dream." She said. "Im just glad you're ok" CJ said. "I bet you are, after what you said last night" Crystal said. CJ stiffened. "How much of that did you hear?" She asked. "All of it." Crystal said. CJ changed back to her human form and looked at Crystal concerned. Crystal smiled. "Relax. I like you CJ. Like... a lot. Im not sure that I love you per-say but, I wouldn't mind you sticking around. Even after this thing is over." Crystal said. CJ smiled. "Come on. The others will be up soon" she said.

"Look whos awake" Randy said. "Glad to see you awake Crystal. Im really sorry that happened" Dakota said. Crystal shrugged. "Its ok" she said. Crystal squinted at them all. "Ok did I die? You all actually look happy to see me. I thought you all hated me the most" Crystal said. "At first maybe, but I think you're growing on us" Blade said. "I think we're all growing on each other" Leah said with a laugh. "Yeah, and thats leaving out the obvious chemistry between... pretty much everyone" Silver said. Blade looked at Leah confused. "Who are you in chemistry with?" She asked. Leah looked at her and smacked the back of her head with her wing. "Pretty much. Meaning not me dumbass" Leah said. "Ok! Chill with the wings wont ya?" Blade said. Ashley handed Crystal the map. "Where too? Human." She said with a smile. Crystal smiled back and opened the map, accepting what she knew wasnt an insult anymore, but a nickname.

"This qualifies as a cave?" Nova asked. The group looked at the small hole in the side of a large rock. "I guess thats another reason only I can get it" Randy said. "If you need help, give a shout. I can fit in there too" CJ said. "Lets hope I wont need it" Randy said. Randy transformed into her wolf form and the group had to back up. "Are you gonna fit? You're a lot bigger then I expected" Dakota said. "Thats what she said" Jax said. Blade laughed and the two high-fived. "Good one alien" she said. Dakota rolled her eyes. "Good luck" Dakota said. Randy squeezed through the small hole. The tunnel was bigger than the entrance. She barked a conformation that she was ok and then ran through the tunnel.

She reached a split path that went three ways. She sniffed the ground, trying to find the smell of blood. She thought that if this was the bloodthirst fang, that surely it would smell something like blood. Sure enough, she caught the scent she was looking for and went down the far right path. She ran through, going under and over obstacles until she reached a cavern. She stopped and looked up at the large pillar with the fang at the top. Its wedged into the rock. She noticed that there was also something else up there, or rather, on the ceiling. Bats, but not just any bats. Mutated bats. They were huge, and could tear her to shreds in less than a second if they woke up. She slowly made her way to the pillar, being careful not to step on anything wrong. There was a slope that led to the top of the pillar, and Randy slowly crept up it. She secured her jaw around the tooth and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. She pulled a little harder but nothing. Finally, she yanked on it and it flew out of the rock, and her mouth, clanking against the floor as it fell. Randy crouched down and looked up at the bats, but they didnt move. She breathed out relieved, but then she heard a crack and looked over. Without the fang, the rock began to crumble. Randys eyes widened as the pillar began to shatter. Randy fell to the ground and a rock landed on her tail making her yelp. It didnt matter now. The bats were well awake. In a moment of panic, she did the only thing she could think of, and howled.

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