Chapter 2

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"So why do we have to do this exactly?" Randy asked. "From my understanding, the last two groups failed and we're the last hope" Silver said. "Us? Ha!" Blade said. "Yes well, they've already tried an all male group. That ended before it started. They also tried putting women and men, but that had a lot of sexual problems. So now we have this" Silver says. "They didnt want sexual problems so made the group all lesbians? Wow!" CJ said. "Yeah it wasnt the smartest move" Silver said.

"So what is the Shell of Souls?" Crystal asked Ashley. "Ive heard legends of it. Only someone who has nothing to lose can get it. If you think you have nothing but it turns out you have something, the shell will steal your soul, and then apparently you just die right there and then" Ashley said. "How are you gonna get it then?" Crystal asked. "I dont know. I have plenty to lose, so I might not be able to grab it at all" Ashley said. "If thats the case, then Blade can get it" Leah said. "Excuse me?!" Blade said. "What?" Leah asked. "You think that because Im a demon I dont have anything of worth?" Blade asked. "Do you?" Leah asked. "Yes! I do! Im not just some demon scum!" Blade yelled. "Could've fooled me" Leah said. Blades tail whipped around behind her in anger. She clenched her fists. "Hey white wings!" Blade yelled. Leah looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Blade punched her in the face. Leah held her jaw and slowly looked over. Her eyes turned pure white. "Uh oh" Crystal said. Leah pounced at Blade and the two went at it. "Should we stop them?" Ashley asked. "Cant you stop them?" CJ asked Silver. "I cant use my magic unless its the last resort" Silver said. Dakota looked at the two and groaned. "Alright. Break it up" She said walking to them. She peeled Leah off of Blade and Randy ran over to hold Blade from running back at her. "Wow, you're strong" Leah said. "Its my magic. And as for your shell, I can get it" Dakota said. "What?" Ashley said shocked. "Yeah. I dont have anything to lose" Dakota said. "You're sure?" Ashley asked. "Let me rephrase. I dont have a soul" Dakota said. "How is that possible?" Randy asked. "Just is. Vampires dont have souls." She said. "Ok then. Lets get back on track. Hopefully white wings and the demon scum and stay away from each other" Silver said glaring at the two. "Fine" Leah groaned. "Sounds perfect" Blade said sarcastically. "Great. Can we keep going now!" Jax yelled from ahead, where her and Nova were waiting. "Yeah! Sorry" Crystal said running up to them.

Nova and Jax just kept walking. "So what are your powers?" Jax asked. "I have enhanced abilities. Its pretty stupid" Nova said. Jax looked over at her. "Thats not stupid" she said. Nova looked at her. "Your magic is actually useful. Compared to someone who say... has fire magic, you are much more useful in a home or work setting. You get to use your magic to make everyday things easier" Jax said. As Jax spoke, Novas face got redder and redder. She smiled and looked down. "Thank you. Im sure you know though, using too much power at a time takes a lot out of a person" Nova said. Jax stared at her for a moment. "Yeah. I know" she said. "Whats your magic do?" Nova asked. Jax looked down. "Lets just say, a lot. When Im at full power that is" Jax said. "How do you gain your power?" Nova asked. Jax panicked. "Why are you being nice to me?" She asked changing the subject. "What?" Nova asked confused. "The rest of them look at me like Im a freak. Not you though" Jax said. "You're not a freak. You're just different. I dont discriminate on people. Even when theyre..." Nova trailed off looking behind her at the group. She squinted at Leah and Blade fighting. Jax looked at them unamused. "They lasted longer than I expected" Jax said. "This is gonna take forever isnt it?" Nova asked. "You should've known that from the beginning" Jax said. Nova sighed. They watched for a bit and then waited for them all to finish talking. "Can you hear them?" Jax asked. "Mhmm. They're getting ready to go" Nova asked. "Great. Can we keep going now!" Jax yelled. They all looked over and the two raised their arms to say 'what the hell.' "Yeah! Sorry!" Crystal ran up to them.

"We might wanna settle for the night. We'll need rest if we're gonna find that shell" Ashley said. "Yeah and its starting to get hard to read the map" Crystal said squinting at it. Blade rolled her eyes. "Where are we sleeping?" Leah asked. Silver snapped her fingers and five tents appeared. "Oh but you can use your magic for that?" CJ said. Silver shrugged. "I can get rid of it if youd like" Silver said. "No! Please dont." Nova said. "Pair up. Go to bed" Silver said. "Thats not a good idea. What someone sneaks off in the night" Randy said. "Not it" Blade said. They all looked at each other confused. "I vote that the human stays up" Blade said raising her hand. A few others did. "What!? Why me?" Crystal asked. "Majority rule. Good luck human" Blade said getting in the tent. Silver, CJ, and Nova, who didnt vote for Crystal looked at her. "Sorry. Goodnight" Nova said. Crystal groaned.

A few hours in and Crystal was fighting the urge to drift off. CJ slowly unzipped her tent and got out to sit with her. "Are you ok?" She whispered. "Im exhausted" Crystal said. "Go to bed. Ill keep watch" CJ said. "Are you sure?" Crystal asked. "Positive" CJ responded. "Why are you being nice to me?" Crystal asked. "I may technically have a magic element in me, but on the outside, Im just as powerless as you are. Now go to sleep" CJ said. Crystals eyes widened looking at her. She was stunning in the moonlight. She snapped out of her trance and got up. "Thank you" Crystal said. CJ watched her go into the tent and smiled after the zipper closed.

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