Those bastards sprained my ankle. Fucktards  I wish I could be invisible and beat them up in their sleep.

I got home pretty late because of the limping.
" Where were you? We were about to send the men" Niko said.

" I just went to do some graffiti and had to come quick because I saw the cop car around" I perfectly lied. I have excellent lying skills.

" Okay" Arlo said convinced bit Niko wasn't so convinced.

I limped my way to my room when I Niko called me back " why are you limping?" He stared at my right ankle.

" Well on my way to run away I kinda slipped on one of my cans and my ankle just bent. Don't worry it'll come back to normal after I put some ice on it. Good night" I went to my room and shut the door.

I striped out of my clothes and went to have a shower again and bandage the wounds and went to sleep.


Tim and his friends came a lot of times. They have been doing it to me for a few days and I've been lying to Niko and the rest for a while.

I've been feeling nauseous ever since the yesterday. Oh no! I hope I'm not pregnant.

Yesterday they did me hard. I couldn't even walk well. I ditched for the whole day and got home late.

During lunch time I step out and go to a pharmacy and buy some pregnancy kits. I hope I'm not pregnant.

I decided to do it at home. It's better at least I can dive into my bed and cry myself to sleep if it positive.


" Isabella Rose to the principal's office" we all hear on the monitor and everyone looks at me.

" What? I have sent anyone to their grave yet. Be grateful" I defend.

" Isabella just go the principal's office and let us live" Ms Lora says. Honestly she hates and I can also say that I hate her too.

I grab my bag and stuff my books into it and walk to the door and turn to the class with my middle fingers up in the air. " Fair well class of bitches and teacher bitch, I may not return this week although I don't like any of you but my middle fingers does. Oh and Ms Lora try not to stand close to any heater or anything hot because plastic melts and I won't be there to save to from your soon to be humiliation. Bye fuckers!" I hear snickers and laughter as I run out and go to the principal's office.

" Sup Clark, I swear I didn't kill that boy I just put him in the hospital. He was frustrating and you know when Trouble comes out of her cage no one can calm her down and I--" I was cut off by Clark's raised hand.

" Isabella that's not why you are here. But we will discuss that later, you are here because your foster mother was seen in your house with a bullet in her skull and you foster father no where to be seen. I'm sorry for your loss" Clark said and I did the thing no human would do.

I rose from the seat and started dancing. " Oh yeah she's dead, I hope she rots in hell and that fucktard be found dead and--"" what are you doing?" I look and see Clark looking at me confused.

" Um... It's what I do when I'm sad" I lied.

" Uh huh~ well you're next flight to New York is in three hours and you will be staying with your brothe--" before he could complete his sentence,I woman in her mid twenties came in.

" Hii~ oh I'm so sorry for you hone--" " say it again if you don't want to keep on talking " I said I'm a deadly tone. I hate everything about her. She  is wearing pink and has the strongest and harshest perfume scent I have smelt it the world. I feel like puking.

" I-i'm sorry I-isabella" she stuttered.

" Well I guess I should get going " I grab my bag but winced at the harsh movement but thankfully covered it up with a cough.

" I'll miss you kid. I'll miss your trouble, c'mere come give me a hug " Clark said with his arms spread wide and I went and wrapped my arms around him.

" Indeed, I'll miss you too Clark " I snuggle my head on his shoulder.


I went back home and packed my bags and check around the house for anyone but I found no one. I just shrugged and went out.

" The pregnancy kits!" I rushed back and put them in my bag. Rachel told me that I'll be staying with my brothers the people who left me and apparently their parents are both dead. Aw,too bad.

I'll be sure to make their lives hell on earth.

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