"Seems the resurrection didn't do much for your health." Xb says, noticing how breathless she is.

"Better than being dead, at least i can be with one of my sons." She says, coughing with a smile on her face, clearly very appreciative for the chance to be alive.

Xb smiles down at her before turning back to Scar, "Iskall and Stress miss you, they wish to see you again."  he says with a serious look on his face.

"Oh, yeah, them, I'll see them again someday, just not any day soon." Scar looks down at the ground before running off down the stairs.

"Did i say something wrong?"? He asks, looking back at Cleo, concerned.

"No, he's always been afraid to make friends after being sent out here, he doesn't want to get too close to Iskall or Stress even though they raised him for five years, he's too afraid to dissapoint them." She replies with a frown on her face.

"I see." Xb mutters.

"Why isn't anyone charging?" Gem questions with her sword pointed towards the kings head, having expected her entire army to rush to kill them in an instant.

"Im not sure?" Scott says, confused, turning around to see their men looking behind them in dismay.

"What are you doing? Kill them!" Scott shouts to his men, catching their attention.

"Can you not hear that?" One of them asks back to him, making him step closer to them.

"What's going on?" Ren asks, confused at the entire situation.

"Just listen." Cub says with a smirk on his face as Scott could swear the ground was moving beneath him, a rumbling sound coming from behind the hill shortly in front of him.

"What is that?" Gem asks again, looking over at the hill before seeing banners raised above the hill and dozens of men in red armour ride over in their direction.

"How did they know?" Scott screams, pulling out his sword, ready to fight what's coming for him.

"Kill them all!" Mumbo shouts with his sword pointed out towards the Stratos men closely in front of them.

"Hold your ground!" Gem shouts, running to get on her horse, not wanting to be trampled over.

The two groups of men meet in not much time, horses falling all around them, and men of both sides falling in the name of their king.

"My king, watch out!" Wels shouts, slicing down a man that was coming straight for the king.

Blood was scattering everywhere as menless horses ran around aimlessly, and in the middle of the fight, one random man on a horse wandered away into the forrest next to them.

Scott must've killed twenty horses by now, but he could swear more came the more he killed, along with the men who rode them.

Bdubs and Cub hid behind a rock watching the fight, the two of them aren't built for a battle, they had always survived inside a castle helping command battles, fighting in them was a very different thing.

Suddenly, a Stratos man appeared from the side of them, a sword in his hand and charging straight for them, his mouth desperate for a taste of blood, and no blood is better than that of the hand of a king.

The two of them crawled backwards away from the man as he walked up to them slowly. Neither of them knew how to fight before Cub used the only way he knew how.

He dug out a golden coin from one of his pockets and held it up. "Don't kill us, and you get this, plus ten more, don't you want to be rich?" He says with a smirk on his face. He can't wait to tell Mumbo about this.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now