aNd ThE fAcKiNg LiFt sToPpEd-

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I'm sorry, the picture-


"I'm tired!" Roger whined, dragging his feet across the marble floor in the hotel lobby. A couple of the receptionists giggled, their faces lighting up with excitement as they went to whisper to the people next to them.

"Shut the f*ck up, blondie. They recognize us!" Brian hissed at Roger, who immediately flashed a brunette at the front-desk a dazzling smile. We walked in rhythm, Roger's sunglasses draped over his eyes, even though the sky outside was darker than John's sense of humor.

"Oh my god, are you guys Queen?" A man squealed, bounding up to us with a booklet crushed in his hands. Freddie's hand tightened around mine, and I felt his gaze firmly placed on the side of my head as I smiled politely at the man in front of us. Freckles speckled across his cheekbones, perfect teeth sitting in place for an excited grin.

"F*ck yes!" Roger pumped his fist in the air, high-fiving the man who's blush deepened even more. 

"Who are you?" His gaze settled on me, a spark of flirtatiousness flying across his gaze. I am going to lose circulation to my hand. Freddie's grip tightened even more, our knuckles going white as his palm became clammy and cold.

"I'm Y/N. Freddie's girlfriend. I'm also his personal assistant." I smiled quickly at him before glancing at Freddie. He bit down on his lip, nervously picking at his fingernails as he attempted to avoid this man's gaze.

"Oh, well, you guys might want to check the charts once you get where you're going." The man smirked before traipsing off to his position at the front desk. Freddie and I locked eyes, and a flame of excitement ignited in his eyes.

"I think we'll definitely be doing that." Deaky chuckled, nervousness weaving into his voice. I laid a hand on his shoulder softly.

"I'm sure it's good, Deaks." I reassured him, a small smile creeping upon his face, as his eyes crinkled at the corners, in the way they do when he smiles.

I glanced up at Freddie, who adjusted the sunglasses so that they covered the dark circles under his eyes.

"Freddie, dearie, you're going to make my hand fall off." I smothered a giggle as he loosened his grip on my hand, but still didn't meet my eyes. "He wasn't trying to do anything, Freddie, I promise." I whispered into his ear as his face relaxed slightly.

"You promise?" He whispered back, his voice shaking, his forehead creased with worry.

"I promise. And if he did, I'd kick him in the balls." A grin stretched upon both of our faces as we continued to walk towards the elevator.

(if you know where this is going, you're perfect)

"Everybody on, I want to go to sleep." Roger whined, throwing his arm in front of the elevator door to let us all on. I nodded politely, a grin on my face as I stepped inside the elevator, pulling Freddie in after me.

"Shut it so no one else gets on!" Brian and I hissed in unison, causing everyone else to burst into laughter as we turned to each other with shocked smiles on our faces before we joined them in their laughter.

A staticky buzzing sound filled the air, the unmistakable noise of the elevator intercom. "Aaaaand, we would like to announce that Bohemian Rhapsody has just reached number one in the UK!" The voice boomed throughout the elevator.

Stone-cold shock coursed through my veins as Freddie and I stared at each other, our jaws hanging open. A moment of silence hung thick in the air before Roger began jumping up and down, and was soon joined by Deaky and Brian.

"OH MY F*CKING GOD!" Roger screeched, his shrill voice probably waking up some random child on the top floor. Freddie promptly leaned over to kiss me, as we melted together, our arms intertwining as his face filled with bliss, tears of joy forming in his eyes.

"I'm so proud of you!" I shrieked, a grin refusing to leave my face as I wrapped my arms around him, his arms thrown around my neck as he screamed into my shoulder. The boys continued jumping up and down, the elevator floor shaking intensely before skidding to a stop.

Their jumping immediately ceased, as they stared at each other for a hot minute. Each nervous pair of eyes met another, as Freddie immediately fumbled for my hand, his shaking hand somehow managing to grab my thigh and ass before he found my hand.

"Well sh*t." Deaky broke the silence, his hands on his hips as he leaned against the wall of the elevator, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have jelly beans." Roger shrugged, pulling a small pouch from the pocket of his knapsack. I marched over to his corner of the elevator and held out the palm of my hand.

"Give." I demanded, narrowing my eyes as he hesitated. He slowly dropped a few multi-colored jelly beans into the palm of my hand. I retreated back to where Freddie stood, his shoulders shaking as the elevator still refused to move. "You okay, love?" I murmured so that only he could hear. He pushed the sunglasses farther up his nose as I wrapped him in a hug.

"Are we going to die here?" Brian asked, stroking the back of Roger's head as he sobbed into Brian's shoulder. 

"No, Bri. We're not going to die here." I responded, raising an eyebrow as he continued to pat Roger's back. 

"Okay," He muttered, combing through Roger's mop of blonde hair with his long, slender fingers. "Rog, we're not going to die here." He whispered (quite loudly, I may add) into Roger's ear.

"How do you know?" Roger sniffled, tearing his face from Brian's shoulder to reveal puffy eyes and a tear-stained face.

"Y/N said so, and she knows everything." Deaky chimed in from the corner, shrugging as he glared at the top of the elevator, as if silently willing it to start working again.

Freddie tightened his grip on my hand as the elevator shook along with his shoulders as tears rolled down his cheeks, trying to stifle his sobs.

"Well..." I murmured, planting a kiss on Freddie's cheek before enveloping the man in a hug. "Bohemian Rhapsody is the most popular song right now." I grinned, attempting to fill the awkward silence.

"Yeah," Brian and Deaky responded in unison, shrugging as they tried to ignore Freddie and Roger crying.

I tried to bite down on my lip to keep from bursting into giggles as I combed through Freddie's thick, raven-black hair with my fingers, stroking the back of his head. 

"Thank you, dearie." He sniffled, his voice thick with tears as he furiously wiped them away, shooting me a watery grin.

"If this stupid thing would just work!" I huffed, folding my arms over my chest.

The lift shook for a moment, before continuing its ascent up the elevator shaft, only quivering slightly once we got to the top. 

"well..." I murmured as I slowly stepped out of the lift, pulling Freddie along with me into the bleak, dull hallway. "I guess that worked."

"Yep. Now, my darlings, we can celebrate!" Freddie cheered quietly, shooting a look at the neighboring rooms as we trudged along to our room, our footsteps heavy with exhaustion.

"You were crying literally forty-five seconds ago." Deaky raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the older man, who simply shrugged and continued smiling as he yanked the door to our room open.

"I love you." I whispered, before staggering over to the couch, pressing my lips against his in a sloppy kiss, before collapsing into a deep sleep on the couch.

This was going to be quite the trip.


If you can't already tell, I'm American. Woo hoo. Fun. That's why I call them "elevators" and other weird sh*t. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this piece of chaos- *cough cough* literature. Feel free (as always) to add any requests you might have in the comment section, though you may want to keep in mind that I DO NOT WRITE SMUT. Nothing against anyone who does, it's just really not my thing. Peace out, Queenies!

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