Part 1 jason

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Before we start, i need to say that calypso never happened, okay? SHe's nonexistent in this story. Anyways enjoy


The son of Jupiter sat on the beach next to Leo, watching the sunrise. He glanced over at his companion, the way his curls bounced on his shoulders when he moved, the first rays of the sun adding golden sparkles to his eye. He'd seemed so much happier since the war. He'd always been cheery and upbeat, but since the final battle, everything just seemed more... sincere. His smiles were wider, his laughter was happier, and he just seemed more comfortable with himself and others.

 The blonde suddenly became vaguely aware that Leo was trying to talk to him. "Jason?'' The son of Hephaestus repeated, tugging on his best friend's arm. "Hm?", jason replied, snapping back to reality. Leo didn't seem to realize that his friend was distracted, and continued. "Well, as i was explaining, i asked you here for our anniversary. WAIT. Sorry. That came out wrong. I mean, it is the 2 month anniversary of  Gaia's defeat and all that, but when i said  'our' anniversary, i meant, like, everyone who helped. N-not you!" The brunette seemed flustered. "I mean, you did a lot!" He continued, clearly getting uncomfortable. "But it wasn't just you. Wait!! Ugh, sorry, i-." Jason stopped him before he could finish. "I-it's fine, i get the point!-" He answered, smiling softly before Leo cut him off again. 'Um, yeah.. so, anyways, since were the only ones of the seven staying at camp year round, i thought we would celebrate.."

 He pulled two cupcakes from a container. Jason couldn't help but grin as he examined his dessert. It was his favorite kind, chocolate cupcake with white, grape flavoured buttercream and  blue star shaped sprinkles. Leo had a similar one, though his was confetti cake with orange (coloured and flavoured) buttercream and Cheeto dust sprinkled on top. The roman boy fake gagged at the sight of his friend's odd dessert, but Leo simply stuck his tongue out, before biting into his cupcake and scooting closer to Jason until they were side by side, silently enjoying the view. 

Jason watched Leo for a bit (lmao that sounded creepy sorry) before breaking the silence. "Thank you." He said, taking ahold of his his friend's hand. Leo looked down, blushing slightly, but didn't pull away. "Of course! It's a special day, so we deserve a special treat. I made these myself!", Leo exclaimed, gesturing proudly to the cupcakes. Jason couldn't help but be surprised. He knew Leo could cook, but was unsure of his baking abilities. These were hands down the best cupcakes Jason had ever had, and that was saying something, because new Rome had some GOOD desserts. Once they finished the treats, the son of Zeus snuggled up close to his friend and laid his head on Leo's shoulder, earning himself a smile from his best friend. Why does it feel so good to make him smile??  Jason wondered.


Jason coud hear Leo's soft snores as he fell asleep, Jason still resting his head on his shoulder. He could feel the boy slouching as he fell asleep, so he did the only logical thing. Scooping Leo into his arms, he carried him off to cabin 1, laid him on the bed, and sat down on a nearby couch to read and wait  for the son of Hephaestus to wake up. 

Best friends..? //valgrace// (And solangelo too ig)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz