chapter 59

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Rasmus quickly turned around hearing his name called. Especially by the voice he had longed the most, longer than he can remember.

"Father." The boy smiles as he looks up to the man who meant the world to him.

"You have grown my son. You came a long way. And you look like a fine young man!" Lucius compliments and brushes his son's hair into a bundle of mess.

"Is this real? You're here?"

"Yes. I am. I've been wanting to see you for a long time." Lucius chuckled and beckoned his son to walk with him.

The two strolled at what seems to be an endless wooden bridge decorated with beautiful and various little flowers. The sounds of birds and the way the sun reflects on the river felt all so peaceful and calming. As if it was healing the prince.

"Me too. I really missed you dad. I thought of a world with you. And mom." Rasmus said and he could feel his eyes warming at his own statement.

He looked away knowing he might cry. And he remembers his father telling him that he should not cry. But the tears are infamous traitors and will always betray at the perfect moment.

And that's when the prince felt a warm hand pull him back by his shoulder.

"It's alright son. It's alright to cry." Lucius said to him with a comfy smile. Using his thumb to wipe a tear from his cheek.

"Crying doesn't make you less of a man. Instead it should help you become stronger." He said again and Rasmus couldn't hold back this time.

He hugged his father tightly as he cried and cried. Everything he kept all those years.

"I'm very proud of you, Lucian. Even though I wasn't physically by your side to guide you. I am grateful that you kept in mind all our lessons. And grew up to be kind and brave."

"You would've made a very good king."

"Would've?" Rasmus leans back and curiously looked at his father. "What does that mean?" He asked.

"I have been gone for a long time, Lucian. But you. You are still alive. Right now, you're just in a place between life and death. And I am here to make sure that you will not stray.."

Rasmus stepped back and looked around. Everything sounds and looks the same. Even the bridge looks to be completely endless at both sides.

"So... I'm dying?"

His father didn't say anything and sighed instead. Looking over to their left where they have the view of the sunset.

"When that sun completely sets. Your body will give up. But if you turn around, you will return back to life. And become the king of our people."

"But I'd never see you again?" Rasmus asked and the question itself felt like it shot a bullet through his heart.

"I'm always with you son. Whatever your decision will be..." Lucius trailed and placed his left hand on his son's chest. "I will always be with you."

"But you must decide quickly." He said this time with a bit stern tone as he looked at the sunset again. "There's only a little time left for you to go back."

Rasmus looked at it too and his heart ached.

Only little time now with his dad. After all those years he never saw him. Not being able to say goodbye and losing him as if he was just a bubble.

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