chapter 16

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"You do know your brother's glaring at me right?" Steel muttered in a nonchalant tone.

"Which you don't care about. Otherwise you wouldn't join me here." Mei chuckled, keeping her gaze glued at the taller male.

"Point taken."

"Listen. I'm sorry about that day. I didn't think of what could happen if we sneak out." Mei suddenly said. Her voice is serious.

"Don't be. Like you said. I actually don't care. It's not everyday that someone like you approaches an outcast like me." Steel said with a straight face.

"That's very straightforward. But… I do apologize if Jairo and Cullen are always bullying you and Rasmus. I'll be honest with you. I do make fun of your friend too because he's mixed. But someone made me realize how pathetic that just makes me!" Mei states.

"Apology accepted. And maybe I should treat the person who made you realize it for a meal." Steel said with a small smile, making the girl chuckle in amusement as she stared at him deeply.

"You're not that bad compared to how others call you names. I always hear your name among the professors because you're so smart."

"I also hear your name from the professors too." Mei immediately hit him playfully, making the male chuckle.

"Can't you just compliment me back?!"

"You look stunning." He said right back.

Mei looked away, hiding the blush on her face.

She's used to others telling her she's pretty or complimenting her on her looks. But Steel being the one to say it makes her heart beat rapidly. It makes her happy to hear it.

"S-so are you."

They were quiet after that and then Steel commented something that made the two of them burst into fits of comfortable giggles.

"We're awkward." 

"Too obvious."

The two eventually stopped dancing and went over to the table of drinks. They clinked their glasses before chugging the cocktail at once.



"They got the kids surrounded by bodyguards 24/7. If we make a single move, they'll trace us. We can't even sneak in. We only managed to plant a spy." A man spoke upon entering his boss' office. He is accompanied by two other men who are equally armed.

"We underestimated them. But it doesn't matter. Just keep a close watch on them. If they say anything about the prince, do not hesitate to kill them by all means!" Their boss says while signing some important documents on his stable.

"Noted sir." The man replied and then briefly looked at the two men beside him.

"There's something that our spy also noticed sir. One of the witnesses." The man spoke again and one of the men beside him handed a press folder.

The man gave it to his boss. And when he opened it, there was a printed picture on it of a young man which seemed to have been taken while he was going outside their dormitory.

"Our spy had worked before in the castle and had met the prince once or twice. He claims that the boy in the picture looks like him." The man explained while observing the boss' facial expression. 

The boss grinned as he stared at the picture.

"He had grown to be a very handsome man. He looks exactly like his father." The boss hummed while tracing the boy's features on the image.

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