chapter 28

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Rasmus feels his heart break as he stares at Jairo's dead body. His throat was cut open and by the looks on the holes of his shirt, he was also shot multiple times.

His eyes went dark and clouded by anger and his senses had become more sensitive. He was swift when he dodged upon sensing a dagger that was about to pierce his neck.

There was a man that was covered in all black from head to toe. An obvious assassin. When he pulled out his gun, Rasmus was quick to snatch it away and throw it far as they both started throwing punches and then attempting to stab each other.

Being tall became an advantage to Rasmus and he was able to throw the assassin, breaking their own window. When he ran at him, the assassin pulled out a hidden gun and shot him but he could care less of the pain and just stabbed him on his shoulder with the scissor he was holding.

It was a minor injury for an assassin so he still managed to push Rasmus as he dropped beside Jairo. He screamed in pain when the man stepped on his abdomen that he shot. Making him choke on his own blood.

"Where is it?! Where is the luminous?!" The man's voice rang in his ears followed by a flatline.

Everything became so dull as his senses started to fail him. His sight became weak and he could only stare mindlessly at Jairo whose eyes were still open and his mouth bleeding. He felt the assassin's hands touching him everywhere just to look for the luminous and heard another gunshot before everything fell into painful darkness.


Steel continued running. He did not stop despite the shortness of his breath. Or everything becoming vivid to him.

He was near the main hall where the others were still celebrating. For some reason, all the bodyguards he found are all beaten up. So he had no other choice but to ask help from other students.

When he got to the main hall, he tried to ask help from the students. But because he's an outcast, everyone avoided him even before he talked.

He felt like he's gonna lose it. Everyone was looking at him like he's a freak out of control. He eventually started crying so loud in front of everyone and they all looked at him like he's crazy.

Now that he has their attention. He wanted to scream that he needed help. But all he could do was just cry and fall on his knees. He was scared. Because he ran not knowing that both of his roommates might be dead by the time he brings help. He feels like it's gonna be his fault.

"Steel?" The boy turned at the speed of light when he heard a familiar voice.

It was Cullen. He was with Wan and went close to see the commotion. The three got back first with the whole team and Jairo insisted to go to their room to leave his luggage even though his friends insisted not to.

They were quiet at first because they've never seen Steel in this state and it looked odd how nobody asked him if he's okay. They all looked at him as if he was a show. Which kind of threw Cullen off because he obviously knows why.

"What's wrong?" Wan asked as he approached the younger.

Steel sniffled and tried to steady his breath. And he finally speaks…

"T-they're back…" he said. 

The two were confused at first. But when they noticed that Rasmus was not with him, Cullen and Wan moved like a flash. They literally dragged the boy with them while Wan was trying to reach out to any of their bodyguards but nobody was responding.

The students eventually became confused at how they're all reacting.

The three ran back to their dorm and had to bring the whole basketball team as the only back up. When they got in front of the elevator. They immediately noticed droplets of blood on the floor.

"Alert all the school security! And check the cctvs! Hurry!!!" Wan yelled and half of the guys left to do as he said.

They went to the elevator and there is also a pool of blood inside. They waited until they reach their floor.

Cullen looked at Steel. He was shaking hard as he pulled out his phone. He tried to dial Rasmus but it was out of service and it was making him more anxious.

When they got to the floor. They immediately spotted the trail of blood that led to their room. When Cullen and Wan got in…

"Jairo!!!!" Wan screams as he runs to their best friend. Everyone was equally shocked and Steel felt like everything was spinning and he's about to pass out.

He remembers the same day he saw Yuri get shot. And it began to play in his mind again. But it was Jairo getting shot like that. He listens to Wan and Cullen wailing for their dead friend while some of the guys immediately called for help.

Steel leaned by the bunk bed and happened to notice a strange but expensive looking paper on his table with an old phone on top. He sneakily took it and hid it in his pockets while they're all busy crying for the dead body. 

"Rasmus. Where is he?" Wan suddenly asks as he wipes his tears and turned to Steel who had now sat dazed on Rasmus' bed.

He could not say anything and just stared at the dead body. Wan blocked his sight but he was still dazed and when he asked him again, the boy finally fainted.

Cullen covered Jairo with a blanket as they waited for help to come. It didn't take long before Monina and Xin ran in. They forced their way in after hearing about Jairo.

Xin passed out right away when she saw her boyfriend dead and Monina let out an ear piercing scream while hugging Jairo. 

When the cops came, they did the same process as when Yuri died. When they tried to ask Steel for his statement, he only said that he left to ask help and he didn't know what happened when he left.

The news quickly reached the rest of their friends. Especially Annabelle. When she heard that Rasmus was declared missing, she was devastated.

Annabelle knows Steel is not saying something. All of them know it. Although she was still devastated because she doesn't know whether Rasmus is still alive or not. It was caught on CCTV that an assassin took him away. He was bleeding a lot so they're not sure if they took him as collateral or the assassin was gonna dump his body.

And it worried them more because there are articles appearing that questions why Rasmus was kidnapped and not killed like Jairo since he is a witness.

When they finally got an alone time. Cayden immediately summoned them to the office. Everyone was anxious and frantic. Checking every spot and corner of the room in case there's any wiretaps or spy cameras.

And when they're sure it was safe… they sat around in a circle and Steel put out the items he had been hiding.

Everyone felt their heart stop when they saw the luminous, the royal paper that had traces of blood and a burner phone.

"Rasmus knew someone was there. He gave me the bracelet because he knows they'll look for it on him." He said with a completely dull tone.

Cayden pulls the note and reads aloud the letter written on it.

"You're next Cullen Sage. If you do not bring me the luminous. I will cut off his head and I will make everyone watch. Including his bit*h. You will receive a call on the prince's birthday. Until then, bring it to me or I will kill him and I will kill the rest of your friends." 

Everyone became quiet after he read the letter. They were all feeling mixed emotions.

But at least one thing is for certain.

They kept him alive…

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