chapter 13

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"What is it?" Cullen snaps as he answers the call from his friend.

"Can you fu*king punch your roommate for me!!!" Wan spoke from the other line with a displeased tone.

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

"My uncle who was visiting the amusement park in the city saw Mei with Steel Denvers!" He yells. Making the other three with Cullen to look at him with wide eyes.

They could hear the conversation since Cullen put the call on speaker.

"That's nonsense! Wasn't Mei with Xin!?" 

"So my uncle is lying!? I'm gonna call Mei and I swear if I confirmed they hang out together outside! I'm gonna kill him!" Wan suddenly ended the call.

"Your friend took Mei outside with him! And I didn't think he could get crazier!" Cullen scoffs while glaring at the two.

"Steel is not like that! If he knows it's gonna be dangerous, he will not bring anyone with him! Unless he's the one invited!"

"So you're implying that Mei asked him out?! Bullsh*t! Mei does not hang out with freaks!"

"He's not a freak! Take that back!"

Rasmus and Cayden watched as the two started yelling at each other. Grabbing each other's collar while mentally killing the other with their glares.

Cayden groaned and rubbed his temples. He couldn't believe the two are arguing right now instead of looking for their friends.

He happened to look at Rasmus and notice the expression on his face. He looks anxious and terrified.

He walked towards the boy and tapped his head gently.

"Don't mind them. I'm sorry. Cullen is being an ass. I get that you're already going through a lot. And you don't need to see this." He said, blocking the younger's view of the two fighting like children.

"Steel would never do it. I promise. I know him more than anyone. He'll never put anyone to harm." Rasmus whispered and lowered his head. He was fidgeting his fingers but the sleeves of his hoodie are too long so he looks like he's clapping.

"It's okay. We all live in the same room. I believe Steel won't be like–" Cayden wasn't able to finish his sentence when he spotted two familiar faces from afar.

It was Steel and Mei who were both on a bicycle.

"Look!" Cayden yells at Cullen and Ross before pointing to their left.

Steel and Mei were surprised to see the four. The sooner they got near them, Mei hopped off the bike. While Steel was about to, Cullen suddenly launched at him and punched him on the face. Causing the others to panic.

Ross immediately grabbed Cullen and pushed him away aggressively. While Mei helped Steel who had fallen from his bike.

"Cullen what the hell!!!" Mei yells when he sees Steel's lower lip bleeding.

"You jerk! You better start hiding now! I swear Wan's gonna fu**ing kill you!" Cullen yells while trying to grab Steel, Ross was keeping him on hold so he wouldn't touch the younger.

Cayden and Rasmus immediately came in between. Rasmus helped his friend to stand up while Cayden stood in front of Cullen with an intimidating glare.

"He's not! And you better stop acting like an asshole! Use your eyes! They're not hurt at all!" Cayden growls before looking at the three behind him.

"Go back to your rooms. I'll take care of him. Ross, can you make sure they all go back?" He then turned to Ross.

He only nodded and let go of Cullen before beckoning the three to follow him. Leaving the Sages below the tree house.

"You can't actually trust that freak! He took Mei outside! If those men trying to kill me saw them, she would've died!" Cullen growls out of frustration.

"Yet they're not! Steel will not let anything happen to her! And even if they're spotted, he's smart enough to find them a way out!" Cayden defended and Cullen scoffed derisively. Looking at him as if he's a traitor.

"I get that these recent events are getting on your nerves! But you should be careful of how you deem people just because you don't like them! If you keep doing it like that! Then you might as well have a lot of friends like Yuri! They'll all throw you under the bus!" Cayden muttered, trying to keep a calm tone. But his voice was low and deep. And he only uses that tone whenever he's serious. Like a silent message that he is not joking right now.

"Let Ross scold Steel. The three of them had seen death unlike you. It's not easy to be locked in here and they don't even have friends to rely on because of you! And you on the other hand have the luxury of protection and assurance! So stop acting up!" Cayden scolds again and looks down to his brother with a serious deadly glare.

Cullen was rendered speechless. It is true that the three became an outcast because he always bullied either Rasmus or Steel. And Ross will always come in between to defend his only two best friends. 

Cayden decided to drag his brother back. They had to make sure they stay unseen by the bodyguards otherwise they'll all be in big trouble.

When they got back to the room. It was eerily quiet. All their roommates are surprisingly there. When Cayden observed them. They all looked pretty beaten up.

Especially Ross.

"You guys better not tell me you got into a fight!" Cayden muttered and turned to glare at Jairo who quickly avoided his gaze.

"Duh! Wan tried to hurt my friends! Was I supposed to sit and watch!?" Ross snapped. "He didn't even ask his sister first! She's the one who pursued Steel to go outside." He added before stomping grumpily to the bathroom.

Cayden squinted his eyes. Rubbing his temples again before looking at Jairo. But he quickly looked away like a kid who were scolded after getting caught stealing candies.

He then turned to the other two. Rasmus was helping Steel with his cuts on his face.

"I'm sorry, my friends are a bunch of lamebrains!" He said, making his brother and Jairo throw a glare at him. But he turned back with the same glare and the two quickly looked away.

"I'm okay. I've been through worse." Steel said blankly.

Cayden observed him. Aside from the cuts on his face. He looks quite dazed. He's been wearing the same expression from when he saw him arriving at the greenhouse with Mei. When he got punched.

He looks like he's in deep thought.

A few minutes later Ross got out of the bathroom. He was on the phone so he walked to the balcony to talk privately with the person on the other line.

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