chapter 24

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Rasmus did his best to avoid all his roommates. He was scared. And it was becoming very obvious to all of them because he was growing anxious every time they turned to him.

Ross and Steel tried talking to him but he also avoids them. Cullen wanted to assure him that it'll be okay. But Rasmus gave him and the Wilsons a direct order to not say anything.

In a few hours. Cayden will receive the background check he requested and his sexy brain will soon know which of the two is the prince. But the way how Rasmus is acting is somehow saying it all.

He just wants more evidence.

Steel and Ross had also done their own investigation. They knew Cayden didn't tell them everything aside from the spy devices. The placement of their things had changed and their pillows have all changed. A lot of things point to someone trespassing and searching their room for something.

And the two would not rank first for nothing. It also took them an hour to figure out about the luminous and began suspecting Rasmus.

Ross knows that it won't be any of their rich roommates. All of them are born celebrities and had articles about each and none fit the profile of the missing prince.

Steel had nothing to be honest and Ross had not seen him lie. So he believed him right away when Steel claimed that his parents died in a plane crash and he lived alone since then.

He also got proof for it.

But Rasmus. The timing of him avoiding them just had to be exactly when they learned something about the prince.

Around 10pm. Everyone's still up except Rasmus who had gone to bed. He's still awake but he couldn't bear to look at them all or he'll puke. Wan is also there since he didn't want to miss it all.

It was the same hour when Cayden finally received a call they've all been waiting for.

He put it on speaker for everyone to hear while everyone had their eyes glued onto the anxious and terrified boy.

Cullen had also secretly called Jamie and Annabelle. So they'll hear about it too. The other four ladies are also listening on the other side because they also heard from the boys about the trespassing. And it was actually Monina who suggested to Cayden to call their old friend from Interpol to get quicker and more information.

"I did all I could to search him up! I think we hit the jackpot here! His fake identity was registered exactly 34 days after late Prince Lucian's disappearance. He's registered as adopted but the name of the orphanage is not real."

"And it gets worse. The man, his father is a thief and was arrested thrice for first degree rape. But he bailed every time which doesn't make sense. There was also a report made by the prince under his fake name. It was reported around when he's age 14. But it was buried deep and I almost didn't find it."

"And the mother. She's mental. Sick in the brain. She's also in hiding since she escaped her institutions. She has records of multiple domestic abuse when she was in her 20s. Got admitted to an institution not far from Salem and escaped the same day the prince disappeared."

"Is that all?" Cayden asks while staring at the now shaking boy on the bed.

"For now. My guys and I are still looking for more. I'll call you once we find a lead."

"Thanks man. I owe you."

"It's nothing. As long as I can help keep you and Cullen safe."

"Thank you. Bye." Cayden ended the call and it became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

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