chapter 49

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"It's all my fault." Mei mumbles as she watches Steel from above.

"Had I not bothered him in the first place. Had I not stuck around him to root these stupid rumors. He wouldn't have to hear such awful things." She adds along with a frown being visible on her face.

"It's not your fault Mei! Listen to me!" Jamie gently pulls the girl to look at her. "You didn't do anything wrong." She said firmly and smiled at the younger.

"You like him and that's something you can't control. If you wanna be with him, that is up to you and nobody has a say on that. I've been there too. I am a bully too and people like us love to hit others even though it's for the most useless things. But those are just groundless accusations. And if you let it get to you, you are letting them win."

"But… What if Steel thinks of it too? What if he keeps a distance from me?" Mei's voice broke at her last question. The thought of Steel becoming stranger to her somehow feels like a horrible nightmare.

Mei had always liked him first but she was never able to admit it to herself until today. 

Maybe she got drawn to him when she saw him standing far from the crowd when Rasmus was first bullied by Cullen at the canteen. His face had no expression on them but simply standing there somehow gives a story that is masked by his empty expression.

Or maybe it was when she spotted Steel studying in the library alone. Wearing his glasses and scrunching his nose whenever he encounters a new difficult question. But still being able to answer it because of his incredible IQ. He would pull on his tie to loosen it and then pull the sleeve of his uniform up to his elbow.

Or it could be when Steel straight up agreed to accompany her to sneak out of the school despite the danger. And that special moment they had in the haunted house was something she could never forget. It still felt like a dream to her with how many times she and Steel hugged and felt so close to each other.

To her. Steel is like the epitome of bravery and independence. He's been alone most of his life but he continued and never had anyone influence his decisions in life. If he wanted, he could become successful on his own without needing anyone in his life.

But that of all things, was what Mei wanted to change. She wants to be a part of him even on the smallest bits in his life.

"Steel isn't stupid like you Mei." Jamie deadpanned and the younger quickly responded with an offended glare.

"I-I mean! He's not the one to procrastinate over things! He's smart! You know that! Wasn't Wan's warning way worse than this? And Steel literally ignored it and kept hanging around with you." She rebuts and awkwardly smiles at the younger.

Mei pouts as she looks down at Steel again. "You're right. Steel is brave and he never lets others decide what he'll do. He's always been his own person." She said and an adoring smile slowly graced her lips.

"I'll talk to him. Thanks Jamie." The girl said to her and looked at Jamie with a grateful smile.

She then climbed down the treehouse and approached the two men sitting on the log. Cullen climbed back to the treehouse to give the two the privacy they needed.

"Well. All that talk made me feel like a lousy rich kid." Cullen huffs as he sits beside Jamie on the doorframe of the treehouse.

Jamie chuckled and pulled Cullen to look at her. Leaving a kiss for a few seconds on his lips and smiling at him proudly.

"You did your best Cullen. I'm proud of you." She said, Cullen simply stares back into her eyes with a loving gaze.

"I didn't argue with him today. So that's a start right?" He says and Jamie giggles while nodding her head adorably. Leaning closer again to leave another kiss to his lips.

Cullen doesn't let her go this time and grabs the back of her head. Pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss.

"You know my sister and Rasmus are sleeping over there right?" Jamie whispers and briefly throws a glance at the couple sleeping on the bean bag.

"They're asleep." Cullen whispers back and leans to kiss the girl again.

The two were making out for a few minutes. And when Cullen was currently leaving hickies on her neck, Jamie happened to look down where Steel and Mei previously sat. Noticing first thing that the couple is not there anymore.

"Wait." She immediately said, making the male growl with a displeased expression.

"Steel and Mei are gone." She said as she stood up to check properly. Cullen also perked at the statement and also checked.

The two decided to climb down, only seeing Max guarding near the ladder.

"Hey! Where's Steel and Mei?" Cullen asks right away while Jamie scans the area.

"Don't worry. They wanted to talk somewhere else. But Ronin accompanied them to the forest. They won't be long." Max explains to the two giving them a sense of relief.

"Couldn't they have just talked here? Why enter the forest? It's too dangerous!" Jamie comments and taps her pocket to check her phone. 

She wanted to call Mei to tell her to come back right away. But then remembered that she left her phone at the treehouse.

"Uhm. Can you uh… call Ronin? Tell him to bring those two back." She said to Max with a worried expression.

"We agreed to stay together at all times. It's straight up stupid to go alone in the forest knowing we have someone hunting us down." Cullen agrees.

"Ronin is with them and he will protect them at all costs. But sure! I'll let—- Aaackk!!!"

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