chapter 50

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"Aaaack!!!!" Both Jamie and Cullen let out a loud shriek after Max's head blew in front of their face.

Their loud scream woke the couple up from the tree house as well but were both still oblivious until Jamie and Cullen screamed again for the second time.

A gunshot was fired right next to the two but it seems to have missed their heads. The couple reacted by instinct and went to hide behind the large body of the tree. Trembling as they hurried over and watch as the headless body continues to stain the ground with blood.

"Cullen!? Jamie?!" Annabelle calls. "Is everything okay?"

"Get down!!! Whatever happens don't go out!!!" Cullen frantically yelled at the two above them.

The couple exchanged worried looks but did as told anyway. They hid behind the tree's body too since the tree house was built around it. Anxious and scared, they stayed still waiting to hear more from the two.

"Are you guys okay? Is anybody hurt? What about Steel and Mei?" Rasmus asks while caging the girl around his arms.

He could feel the fear engulfing the girl no matter how much she tries to keep a serious facade. Jamie is no different. Her body is shaking tremendously while her gaze is fixed to nothingness. Both Cullen and her face are covered with blood because of Max's head exploding literally on their faces.

"It's just us! Steel and Mei went to the forest with Ronin! They're okay for now!"

"What about Max? Where is he?" Rasmus asks again but Cullen doesn't respond again…

"Cullen! What's going on? Where's Max?! What happened down there?!"

"Somebody blew his head right in front of our fu**ng face!" Jamie screams with gritted teeth and eventually breaks into tears.

It keeps playing in her head like a broken radio. And it makes her skin crawl and her stomach making a turn.
The news made Annabelle and Rasmus more worried. Max is dead and they are in danger right now.

"W-we have to let Cayden and the others know. That's the only way we can get out of here." Cullen thought.

"H-how?! Our phones are up there." Jamie whimpers and hides her face on Cullen's chest. Staining his uniform with the blood.

"Rasmus!!! Can you try to call the others from there?" Cullen yells.

"I-I'll try." Rasmus replies back and immediately looks for their phone.

They left it on the chairs which are a bit far from their hiding spot. Jamie and Cullen's phones are on the table.

"S-stay here." Rasmus whispers at Annabelle and tries to reach the phone but the girl pulls him back.

"No! It's dangerous."

"It's fine. We're still inside. I'm just gonna grab the phone to call the others." He said to her and tried to reach the phone again.

Rasmus managed to get to the chairs by crawling there. He quickly picks up the phone but as soon as he got it, he was shot by his shoulder and the impact pushed him to the floor and made Annabelle scream his name. The phone was thrown and slipped through a hole. It fell down the ground near Cullen and Jamie which caused the phone to break.

"What happened??!" Jamie and Cullen yell immediately after hearing Annabelle.

"Rasmus!!! Wake up please! Wake up!!!" They could hear the girl crying from above and it didn't take long before blood suddenly started dripping from the wooden floor of the tree house.

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