chapter 7

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"It's alright! Just breathe. Breathe." Ross said with a shaky voice.

They managed to make it back to the university with nonstop running for another two hours straight. Steel even got an injury after falling and spraining his ankle. So Ross had to carry him on his back since he could not stand.

By the time they got to the school. Rasmus fell on the ground and started hyperventilating. He tried to catch his breath but after all the running without rest. And the build up fear shaking up his body. It was of no avail.

So they had to rush him to the clinic. And despite the injury, Steel had to run because Ross had to carry Rasmus. And when they got to the clinic. The nurse isn't in since it's the weekend.

Ross has never been so grateful that he had summer class in New Jersey and was taught about first aids. He immediately got a nebulizer to help Rasmus in his situation.

"It's alright Rasmus. We're safe." Steel assured him. He could see from his tremendous shivering that he is scared.

Even Steel is also scared and so does Ross. But the youngest among them needed the attention more instead of drowning in their own fear. Steel was smart enough to take care of his injury so Ross can attend to the boy.

After a few minutes. Rasmus' breathing finally became stable. But he was still trembling and sweating cold.

"We have to let them know." Steel muttered and looked at Ross. He didn't say anything because he too wants to let the two bullies know that they now have a bounty on their heads.

"I fuc*ing hate them for bullying my friend but I'm smart enough to know the difference between insane and not." Steel added and then looked at Rasmus.

"Don't worry Rasmus. They didn't see us. And this is an advantage. Cullen is a powerful person and if anything, we can ask him to protect us too." He assured the younger but he shook his head and just leaned closer to Ross. He was hugging the male in his arms.

"Come on. Time is not on our side. We should warn them now." Ross said and tried to make Rasmus look at him.

"I understand how scary this is. But a man just died. And more will. Even though they deserve it, we're not like them. So we'll let them know okay?" Ross said to him and then turned to Steel.

"How's your foot? Do you think you can come with us?" He asked.

"Hell yeah. This foot's not gonna heal until my mouth blabbers this information to their face." He said in a snarky tone.

Ross was slightly relieved that Steel's mentality is strong. His age is not far from Rasmus but he's more mature when it comes to his mindset.

"How about you? Do you wanna come with us or do you wanna stay in our room?" Ross then asked the youngest.

"I-I'll come with you." He said with a huff as he removed the cannula from his face.

"Then let's go." Steel said then and stood up.

Ross helped Rasmus up and three made their way to the gym.

It's the weekend so the music and dance club are all preparing alongside the student council. The party will be held at the gym so that's where they will all be.

"Hold on. What if he doesn't believe us? We don't have proof." Rasmus said and looked at the two with worry.

"I don't know. But we gotta try. Stay here. I'll grab him." Ross went inside while the two anxiously waited outside.

"Ross? I thought you said you'll be at the library." Luna said when she saw his brother enter.

He looks quite horrible. He had dirt on his face and he was sweating a lot. Few dry leaves were stuck on his clothes and hair too and he had a few visible cuts thanks to the twigs and branches.

The three looked quite horrible. They fell and ran and got hurt. But they could care less after what they saw. They were literally running for their lives.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Cayden also questioned but Ross also walked past him.

He continued walking until he got to Jairo and Cullen who had stopped from what they were doing because of Ross.

"Come with me." He said and practically dragged them out of the gym. But before they could make it to the door, the two managed to break free.

"What the fu*k!? What the hell is wrong with you Marquell!!?" Jairo yells as he glares at the man.

"Yeah. We're not that close you know!" Cullen added but he was more curious as to how the prim and proper Ross ended up like he went through hell.

"Trust me. I hate this just as you do right now! But I need you two to come with me unless you don't want to see today's sunlight!"

"Oh is that a threat!?" Jairo mocked.

"I really hope it is!"

"Ross what's going on?" Cayden asked as he approached them. The others wanted to come close too but Cayden told them to stay where they are and said that it's gonna be a boys talk.

"Are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost." He added.

"J-just come with me." He said and opened the door. Beckoning them to follow.

Even though doubting, the three still went after Ross and saw him with Rasmus and Steel.

"Oh sh*t! I forgot you hang out with the freaks!" Cullen chuckled and looked at the two.

But something seemed off. Steel had a very visible careless bandage on his ankle. Rasmus is pale and trembling. Although he always does when he's around Cullen. But the three are alike as if they went on top of the mountains and jumped rolling all the way down back to the lower ground.

"You guys look like hell!" Jairo laughs but Cullen suddenly elbowed his stomach upon sensing that something is really off.

"Ross? Rasmus? Steel? Tell us what's wrong. You three wouldn't come here specifically for these two idiots if nothing's wrong." Cayden stated calmly while the two only threw him a glare.

"W-we went to the forest to hike... A-and we were so close to the top. But someone else was there." Steel started talking. And just the thought of it made him shake.

The image of the dead body displayed in front of him and as if a broken replay, he could somehow see Yuri getting shot on the head while snitching Jairo and Cullen. Until he couldn't speak and tears and fear covered his eyes.

Even Jairo who would've mocked him for that was baffled. His brain works properly enough to know when to stop.

"There were men in black. They had Yuri hostage." Ross decided to continue because Steel had already started crying.

"Yuri? Our shooting guard?" Cullen said with a frown and Ross nodded.

"We saw him there. He looks pretty beaten up. And I think the reason he was late for your practices since last year was because of those men. He seemed to be working for them and told him to look for someone. They gave him funds and I think he used it to buy drugs." Ross continued.

"That asshole! We almost lost last season because of him! If I see that junkie I swear I'm gonna rip off his throat!" Cullen growled in spite as his eyes began to darken.

"You can't. Because those men put a bullet on his head." Steel whimpered. He tried to wipe off the tears but they kept coming.

The three on the other hand looked taken aback by what he said.

Was that the reason why he and Rasmus are both pale and trembling? In fear.

"What are you talking about?" Jairo questioned and unconsciously fished out his phone to try calling Yuri. But he wouldn't answer because he's already dead. His phone was buried with him.

"Do you have a proof of this bullsh*t!?" Jairo questioned them again.

"Proof!? Just look at them! Would you not be frightened if someone got killed right in front of you!? We were lucky to even make it back here in time!" Ross exclaimed in frustration.

"Because those men are gonna look for you two!"

I hope you liked the chapter.
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