chapter 22

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Rasmus was mentally panicking after he locked eyes with Cayden. He let them go after he said that sentence and Rasmus had to excuse himself to the bathrooms. Cullen volunteered to accompany him and had to act normal so they wouldn't suspect.

When they got inside. Cullen quickly checked all the stalls to make sure they're the only ones inside. Once it was safe to talk.

"What's going on? Y-your brother… h-he..." 

"Yes! I hate to admit that they're all smart but they are so close to discovering who you are. It's not true that we messed up the room. A man went inside and was looking for your bracelet. Thankfully he didn't find it." Cullen admits before pulling the bracelet and photocard and handing it to him.

Rasmus looked at him in shock and quickly hid the items.

"H-how did you—"

"I know where you hid it. I actually have keen eyes and that's how I found out you're… you."

"But the real deal here is they know about the luminous now. My friends are smart for no reason. They narrowed everyone in our room and got to you and Steel as their suspected prince. My friends will conduct a background check on you and once they find out Steel's story, they'll have a solid reason to believe that it's you."

Rasmus huffs and turns around. He paced back and forth in frustration as he had no idea what he should do.

Maybe he should run… go hide again… and maybe…

"Rasmus. I think those men already know about you. I-I saw the picture. Y-you're growing up and looking just like your father. The more you grow mature, which is insanely fast and I don't understand why so fu*k puberty! It won't be just me who's gonna have ideas once they look at you." Cullen says and Rasmus stopped pacing to look at him with panic on his face.

"This is all my fault. I should've been more careful… I never should've come here! I should have just—"

"Hey! Hey, it's not your fault! It's him! It's always him. If you let this ruin you, then you're letting him win!" Cullen says to him and grabs him by his shoulders to keep him from frantically pacing.

"I promised I'll help remember? And I have a plan. But I need you to trust me." He said to him while looking at him straight to his eyes.

"It's gonna be alright. I'll help you. I promise." He assured him and patted his head gently.

"O-okay." The boy murmurs while trying to keep himself from shaking.

The thing he had always feared is now coming to the surface. Slowly and tormenting.

He always feared to be discovered unprepared. But he was too afraid to face the truth that one day, people would find out because of his face. So he would always look down or away even if it may deem him rude to others. He still does it to people he's not comfortable being around with.

Rasmus watched as Cullen put out his phone and texted someone. It took him a few minutes before he went back to the younger.

"Let's go." He says and gestured to the boy to follow him.

The two went to the library. There's not many people there at this hour since it's the middle of the class.

"Can you go to the corner spot library? The one near the fire exit." He said a bit quietly before approaching the bodyguards who walked with them and asked them to stay a bit far since the conversation will be private and R18 per se.

"Okay." Rasmus didn't bother arguing about it and just went to the spot. It's the same seat where he studies with Annabelle, Steel and Mei so he knows where it is.

He sat there and stayed quiet until he heard someone call his name.

"Anne?" Rasmus stood up when he saw his girlfriend.

"Hi baby! What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" She asked and looked around first. When she was sure no one's around, she ran to him and quickly kissed him to which he responded right away.

"I'm gonna meet someone here."

"Is it a girl?" The sudden snarky question and her jealous face made Rasmus laugh a bit. And he needed that.

"I dunno. I'm with a friend. We're just gonna discuss some… schoolworks. What about you? You have classes too." He says and wraps the girl in his arms.

He wanted to hug her now while Cullen is still outside. It helps to comfort him especially before they discuss a depressing truth.

"I'm meeting a friend here. He needs our help with something so my sister and I are here. But then I saw you." Annabelle giggled and tiptoed to kiss Rasmus again while also hugging him.

"Okay. They'll be here soon and it's a private conversation. I hope you don't mind if I ask you to leave."

"Sure. Just tell me when. Until then, you're mine for the time being. Right?" She hums and Rasmus nods his head.

He leaned down and hid his face on her neck. He was recharging himself because he feels so drained just by simply thinking about people learning about his identity.

"I'm so glad I have you. You mean a lot to me." He whispers and moves back a bit to stare at her while keeping their foreheads pressed to each other.

"You mean a lot to me too, Rasmus. And I don't know if you noticed. I took your advice. I don't wear revealing clothes anymore. It actually feels more comfortable just dressing simply you know." 

"Thank you, Anne. I'm proud of you."

"Don't I get a reward for that?" The girl pouts, earning a low chuckle from her boyfriend.

"Okay. Last one. Then we can meet later after class at the tree house." He said with a gentle smile and leaned closer until their lips touched.

Annabelle hummed at the feeling of his lips on hers. She gently pushed him to sit on the couch and straddled his lap. Deepening the kiss more as if they'll never see each other again.

The deeper the kiss gets. The more desperate they are to stay together. Not only in that kiss, but to actually spend time together. Without worrying of anyone finding out and judging them.

"I'm in love with you Anne." The words slipped but Rasmus did not regret it. He wanted her to know before everything goes into a complete mess.

And those words meant so much to Annabelle. Her heart raced and she felt her entire body hot. 

"And I love you." She whispered back and this time, their kiss was slow. Passionate but slow.

That it made them both clueless to the sounds of footsteps that got closer by seconds.

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