chapter 6

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Ross finally woke up after Rasmus patiently and aggressively tapped on his shoulder.

The male shifted and rubbed his eyes before fully opening them. Staring at the two heads that were smiling and looking at him as if they were beagles.

"Good morning." The two greeted him in a cheerful tone.

"Get up. Rasmus and I will go to the forest. You should come." Steel said while tugging on the lower part of the blanket.

"Whyyy? What's in the forest?" Ross muttered groggily before shifting again and turning his back to the two.

"Who knows. That's why we're going." Rasmus laughed lightly. "Forget it. If you don't wanna come with us. That's okay. In case we die there and get killed by bears or something. It won't be your fault." He added in a playful tone followed by sheepish giggles.

Ross grumbled before hastily sitting up and darting glares at the two.

"You two are sometimes weird in the brains! Move!" He said as he hopped down the bed while the two just continued to laugh at him.

Ross turned to the two once again and they both looked ready to go camping in the forest.

"Okay. Rasmus and I are gonna get us snacks at the snack bar. That should be enough for you to finish showering and preparing the things you need." Steel said while looking at his wrist watch.

Rasmus nodded in agreement and then they were gone just like that. Ross could only shake his head.

He feels like a babysitter whenever he spends time with the two. But he doesn't and wouldn't complain.

Ross always wanted a little brother but he never got one. When Luna was born, he took care of her when she was a girl but they suddenly drifted away because of her schedules. Although they are still close, it's not as affectionate as Ross would want if he has a brother.

It was the reason why he was drawn to Rasmus and wanted to stay by his side. Even to Steel. He worked hard to get on their good side knowing what kind of people they are. Rasmus and Steel don't easily trust the likes of Ross. So he was very happy when the two became comfortable with him. Up to this point.

They're like little brothers to him now and he won't hesitate protecting them against Jairo and Cullen.

Ross finished showering and also got the things he needed. He waited for a while until the two came back with a bunch of snacks.

"Perfect! Now let's get going!" Steel said filled with giddy excitement.

The three eventually made their way to the back of the university. Journeying the wild forest.

Although students were not forbidden to enter there. They were still told to take precautions since it's still a wild forest. So not many go too far from the school's reach.

The three continued to walk further. Actually hiking towards the upper land part where they'll have a view of the entire university. And even the city since the school was built outside of it.

After at least three hours of hiking, they decided to take a rest and sat beside a big tree.

"This is the longest and farthest I've ever walked in my life." Ross complains and glared at the two. "You said it was close! It's been 3 hours!"

"What? You're actually complaining? How's a rich boy like you not aware of how long hiking could be." Steel said in a mocking tone.

"Maybe he doesn't hike." Rasmus cutted in with an innocent smile.

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